Sunday, December 28, 2008
State of Play trailer
This trailer looks like it sticks pretty closely to the original BBC series. The question remains, however, why did Russell Crowe decide to grow his hair like that to play Cal? Also, will he wear an ugly chain like in the original?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ah Bostonian humor...
Q: How could Aimee Mann get any more awesome?
A: Add John Krasinski, Michael Cera, and John C. Reilly.
(who, btw, don't show up until parts 2, 3, and 4)
(plus Grant Lee Philips and Michael Penn for us music geeks)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I feel very mixed about this trailer. Will it be a poor man's "ocean's 14" as F put it? It looks like Clive at his rakish, smirking best. The fight scene between Tom Wilkinson and Paula Giamatti looks hilarious. But the choice of the lipstick jungle theme song is disconcerting.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's a pity party and you are all invited
Sounds like la mere is gearing up for the holidays. here's an excerpt from her latest email.
"Weather horrible here, still snowing quite a lot. Ended up sleeping on a couple of folded quilts on the tub room floor because it was dark and quiet. Felt like Fodo [sic] and Sam on the slag heap in Mordor or those sevants that slept by the fireplace in the kitchen in the old days. How has it come to this? Still I am grateful to have a job at all. "
though nice use of the word slag....
"Weather horrible here, still snowing quite a lot. Ended up sleeping on a couple of folded quilts on the tub room floor because it was dark and quiet. Felt like Fodo [sic] and Sam on the slag heap in Mordor or those sevants that slept by the fireplace in the kitchen in the old days. How has it come to this? Still I am grateful to have a job at all. "
though nice use of the word slag....
Friday, December 19, 2008
retro Lost posters

I feel these had to be mad men inspired. love them! check them all out here. Soo excited for the next season.
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Birthday Wish...(finally)

So, in an absolute GENIUS move that combines two of my absolute favorite people I have discovered this:
Not sure that it's out yet, and it's probably the sort of thing you can just get on her site, but still, could it be more perfect for me??
Neil Gaiman and Amanda-fucking-Palmer!!!
Les Vacances de Monseieur Hulot. the remake
I'm not really sure what the original film was about, but for some reason wes anderson teamed up with brad pitt to make it into a phone commercial in Japan. um yeah.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Les Cadeux
Okay, so let me know if you guys need and/or want anything from Borders cause I'm currently getting 40% off everything including DVD's. I already got mom The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and I'll probably be getting her a date book and wall calendar so I can give her these things, or if you guys want to buy something off me thats fine too.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I should probably learn how to embed videos like you two
but this is awesome!!
In case you have been wondering what have been up to...
Please click on this link!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Australia: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Nicole Kidman's Acting and Learned to Love Hugh Jackman in a Wet Tee Shirt

Not that I didn't already love him, but really I think that this movie was a plot cooked up by Baz to see how many times he could get Hugh to strike manly poses in a tight tee shirt, in a tight wet tee shirt, shirtless, or wet and shirtless. La pere really loved it since he likes sweeping epics, and has an odd fascination with aborigines.
Of course when I got home La Mere was in bed and in a huff. When I asked how her day was she wouldn't look at me and snapped "it was just another day". So I started blathering on about what a terrible actress Nicole Kidman was, which is apparently a subject La Mere couldn't resist because after a moment she was talking and even laughed when I described the shots of Hugh Jackman standing in profile with his hands on his hips at which point the camera would swoop up to a close-up of his stubble.
So, all in all, a successful Thanksgiving. I've gotten really good at talking La Mere out of funks, so I think we'll make it through the holidays.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Best Movie of the Year
I know you will have your doubts...but this is the best movie of the year and has really stuck with me. So heartbreaking. So well acted. Its just amazing. Don't judge!
Kanye is so brilz
I know he has an ego larger than Montana, but he is absolutely brilliant and always so creative in his music. Am totally obsessed with his new song "Love lockdown". Not really sure what all the Zulu warriors are doing in the video, but it is great.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Andy Samberg can be annoying...
...but this is kind of awesome.
Slumdog millionaire

So, this movie is not actually about gangsters and thugs in LA like I thought when I first saw the title. F and I went to go see this film last night and we loved it! (Best scene -- getting the movie star's autograph). You should all go see it. Of course, you have to stay for the obligate musical number during the credits. Can't wait to head over there to take care of these little guys.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
love actually
rather alarmingly but awesomely, bravo was playing LOVE ACTUALLY on repeat last night. discovered that I in fact know every single line in the movie. perhaps I should stop watching it so often...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This is Quite Possibly the Funniest Thing in the World
truly amazing (whether it is real or not!!)
truly amazing (whether it is real or not!!)
plus de cadeaux
So I asked la mere what she wanted for Christmas and she said that she wanted another travel mug because she only has one. I found this to be quite puzzling, because as I recall, we have approximately 2 billion travel mugs in the kitchen from Borders, the bagel dump, multiple educational institutions etc. did we throw them all out in some fit of de-cluttering? did she pot plants in them? has le pere squirreled them all away in his cave?
i decided to wish for a butter dish (mine broke in the dishwasher) and a pastry brush from her. i can only imagine how she will twist my seeming straightforward wishes into something hideous and most unwanted. perhaps she will deliberately misunderstand my request for a butter dish and buy me a bottle of spray margarine instead as a not so subtle suggestion that I ought to watch my cholesterol.
i decided to wish for a butter dish (mine broke in the dishwasher) and a pastry brush from her. i can only imagine how she will twist my seeming straightforward wishes into something hideous and most unwanted. perhaps she will deliberately misunderstand my request for a butter dish and buy me a bottle of spray margarine instead as a not so subtle suggestion that I ought to watch my cholesterol.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So remember how I was babbling last week
about talking with my quasi-future boss about what he has been up to in Germany and that he sent me vid and pics of what he had been shooting? you can now read all about it here!! and here: and here:
and no, i have no idea what he is doing in this rather hilarious picture of him.
and no, i have no idea what he is doing in this rather hilarious picture of him.
Everyone is aware...
...that I do not live in Santa Barbara or in the hills or anywhere that is currently on fire, right? I'm down in the city and am perfectly fine!! Although I appreciate the concern! x
christmas wishes???
so what are we wishing for this x-mas??? i have my eye on the new giada cookbook. love her recipes! was thinking that we should get the girl with the dragon tattoo for la mere. supposed to be awesome and a mystery and written by an obscure swede so la mere should enjoy it. have 2 books picked out for esmee (involving counter culture and art, of course). maybe some ugly clothes from REI with lots of oddly placed pockets for le pere? thoughts? maybe some MM inspired clothes for charles??
Friday, November 14, 2008
Parenting 101...
Esmee (on phone): Mom? Hi, sorry I didn't call earlier, but I was out so late last night I ended up just crashing with Rebecca rather than drive home. How was your morning?
La Mere: You weren't home this morning?
Esmee: (awkward pause) No. Didn't you start work at two this afternoon?
La Mere: Yeah. I was trying to be quiet this morning so as to not wake you up.
Esmee: My car wasn't there.
La Mere: I didn't notice. I guess that makes me a bad mother, huh?
Esmee: ............
La Mere: So I guess the dying cat didn't wake you up this morning huh?
Esmee: ????? WTF?????
La Mere: Don't worry, she's still alive....for now....
La Mere: You weren't home this morning?
Esmee: (awkward pause) No. Didn't you start work at two this afternoon?
La Mere: Yeah. I was trying to be quiet this morning so as to not wake you up.
Esmee: My car wasn't there.
La Mere: I didn't notice. I guess that makes me a bad mother, huh?
Esmee: ............
La Mere: So I guess the dying cat didn't wake you up this morning huh?
Esmee: ????? WTF?????
La Mere: Don't worry, she's still alive....for now....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hello, cupcake!

Every time I go into Borders, I see this book cover on prominent display and I am tremendously disturbed. While I am impressed by the realistic dog fur made out of icing, why would anyone create lifelike yappy dog heads out of frosting? Who would want to bite into a sugary canine face or nibble on a candy dog tongue?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Which Emanuel brother are you???
This is a funny quiz, courtesy of Wonkette. I think we all know that I would be the boring brother...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Normal/Weird ratios...
So tonight I went on a date, dinner and a movie (which is normal for most people, but weird for me). We went to see Christmas on Mars (normal for me, probably weird for most people) which was playing at the Brattle-where else? The Boy said he missed me since we hadn't seen each other in three (three!) days. I resisted the urge to give a sarcastic retort about who wears the pants in this relationship, and merely said that that was sweet. Why is it that the more aloof I get, the more clingy they get? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Things are looking up
So, the year is finally shaping up it seems. Went to see The Decemberists tonight at the Orpheum with Nancy from work, which was totally awesome. What started out as a normal concert quickly turned into a "Thank-God-Obama-Won" party, with the entire crowd going nuts any time Colin Melloy said any of the buzzwords such as 'change', 'tuesday', or 'election'. They even had a cardboard cutout of Obama that they danced around the stage at which point 800 hipsters started giddily shouting 'Yes We Can!' The night ended when Melloy grabbed people out of the first two rows onto the stage for a giant singalong of '16 Military Wives'.
If you're still in doubt of the awesomeness of The Decemberists, you should know that their current tour is titled "Bridesmaid Revisited". So after seeing Amanda Palmer at the end of this month, and The Killers in January, I just need to see The Arcade Fire, The Shins, The White Stripes and Radiohead in order to die a happy music junkie.
That is of course until more new bands move up in the world and I have to start a whole new list.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voter madness
I guess I should have known I was in for a wait at the polls when I arrived at 5:45 AM and everyone else in line had brought water bottles, books and lawn chairs. Almost 2 hrs later, I was able to finally cast my ballot in a swing state! Still crossing my fingers for Obama!
Monday, November 3, 2008
The final question...

When the polls close, which of these two options will be appropriate? As superstitious as I am, I can't quite bring myself to go out and get Option B, even though (fingers crossed) it's looking more and more likely.
God, are you guys as nervous as I am right now? We have a McCain Action Figure at work, and I just might have to ceremonially burn one tomorrow morning.
Why the hell didn't I move to a swing state when I had the chance?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tickets went on sale for the Killers concert in Jan, but for some reason I can't seem to get through the damn ticketmaster site, even though I know for a fact that the Agganis arena couldn't have sold out within half an hour of going on sale. I blame our crappy internet service. Wicked pissed!
Friday, October 31, 2008
to make la mere happy...
...maybe this is who I should date! dodie - what say you?!?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
catching up on tee vee
so i finally got to catch up on gg and mm. ( i have unfortunately caught laryngitis and don't feel like leaving this house so it was the perfect time to watch my itunes.) in terms of gg, loved the shout-out to the hotness of stephen on the tudors. had to giggle at that one. but, why were they so obsessed with yale? i felt that yale must have paid them to feature the campus.
now on to mad men. when i saw the title of the episode, i couldn't wait to see if it would feature our favorite norwegian composer. and it did. was minorly disappointed that they felt the need to dialogue about it. as we well know from the wash post article, the average mad men viewer is part of that dreaded "intellectual elite" who has undue influence over our cultural sensibilities and should have a basic knowledge of classical music. (ps obama tries to watch mad men despite his hectic schedule!)
what say you, mes soeurs?
now on to mad men. when i saw the title of the episode, i couldn't wait to see if it would feature our favorite norwegian composer. and it did. was minorly disappointed that they felt the need to dialogue about it. as we well know from the wash post article, the average mad men viewer is part of that dreaded "intellectual elite" who has undue influence over our cultural sensibilities and should have a basic knowledge of classical music. (ps obama tries to watch mad men despite his hectic schedule!)
what say you, mes soeurs?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
The political atmosphere
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Angie is so great
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A few things SNL related
Cause what with all the politics going on, and actually funny people on the show, i've started watching again...first of all, is EVERYONE in the world at 30 Rock tonight? I mean, jeez, everyone is there! Also, did you see who they have next week????? Coldplay and our favorite mad man??? OMG I cannot effing wait!!!
November 25th! Who's excited?
Where might one find a jacket such as this, do you suppose? Or maybe he made it himself? I mean, do you just wake up one day and say 'I know, I should wear a jacket with epaulets! Not just any epaulets- feathered epaulets!'
Ah, gotta love Brandon Flowers. Can't wait for the album, especially since now I have a boy who'll go see them in concert with me. Sigh. One more month.
Friday, October 10, 2008
You must go see!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So, another reason why my computer sucks: Today it reset my Ipod to "factory settings" which essentially means that it erases everything on it. I mean, my music and everything are all still in my Itunes, but do you know how long it takes to upload 3,845 songs? Grrrrr.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Such awesomeness
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator
this is great. Ha Ha.
I would be named Beans Harpoon Palin. Arrgh.
I would be named Beans Harpoon Palin. Arrgh.
Oh Bostonites...
So whichever cast member this (Andy Samberg? um, why can't I tell? oh yeah...haven't watched SNL in years until this year), anyways, whoever this is doesn't really look anything like Mark Wahlberg, but he has the way he speaks down pat. And I know this is a stupid sketch, but its really kind of funny I though. Watch it!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How did we miss this one?
Um, read the description and who is in appears to be an ara special (since he reps both actors). odd!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Time to take the plunge

Went to the Apple store today and talked to one of the Mac Genius' (Geniuses? Geni?) about which computer I should buy into order to become a digital photo wiz, and was steered towards the Macbook Pro, although he said I'd be fine with the 15" 2.4 GHz version.
The Facts Are These: I can get an apartment now and cross my fingers that my computer won't die in the next couple of months, or I can get the computer and possibly a digital camera now, and move out after the madness of the holidays, in Jan or Feb. I'm leaning towards Option B since my computer crashed twice today, and La Mere has been acting jumpy lately and I'm not sure she could take the news of me leaving (she didn't put any plants in La Pere's room because she doesn't want to go in there), and I'm feeling pretty good after my awesome vacation.
What do you guys think?
(oh and P.S. my genius was named Kumar, which was completely brilz)
No more mustache?
Watch the press conference on the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes. RDJ looks great and am soooo excited Rachel McAdams is in it!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Oddly, neither of the 'Rents noticed this when it happened...
Body in Fort Pond Brook still not identified
By Christian Schiavone/Staff Writer
Thu Sep 25, 2008, 07:27 PM EDT
Acton, Mass. -
Police have yet to determine the identity of a man found dead in Fort Pond Brook off River Street late Wednesday afternoon and are awaiting autopsy results from the state medical examiner’s office.
Two teenagers discovered the body after they spotted a bottle of vodka near the brook while walking along the train tracks and went for a closer look, according to police. After finding the man face down in the water, they rushed to a nearby house and called 911 at 5:22 p.m.
Lt. Robert Parisi, a spokesman for the department, said police found no identification on the body, which appeared to have been in the water for some time.
Parisi said the body was too badly decomposed for officers to determine even a rough estimate of the man’s age.
“We're going to find out exactly what happened,” Lt. Tom Rogers told a reporter at the scene on Wednesday night.
Acton police and firefighters as well as State Police were on the scene until after 9 p.m.
By Christian Schiavone/Staff Writer
Thu Sep 25, 2008, 07:27 PM EDT
Acton, Mass. -
Police have yet to determine the identity of a man found dead in Fort Pond Brook off River Street late Wednesday afternoon and are awaiting autopsy results from the state medical examiner’s office.
Two teenagers discovered the body after they spotted a bottle of vodka near the brook while walking along the train tracks and went for a closer look, according to police. After finding the man face down in the water, they rushed to a nearby house and called 911 at 5:22 p.m.
Lt. Robert Parisi, a spokesman for the department, said police found no identification on the body, which appeared to have been in the water for some time.
Parisi said the body was too badly decomposed for officers to determine even a rough estimate of the man’s age.
“We're going to find out exactly what happened,” Lt. Tom Rogers told a reporter at the scene on Wednesday night.
Acton police and firefighters as well as State Police were on the scene until after 9 p.m.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Am I a genius, or what?

So La Mere has been kinda depressed all week-not even going to Joe's and bitching about Sarah Palin cheered her up, which was kind of worrisome. Later I was talking to Nancy at work (who also runs a Blockbuster) about my vacation and mentioned that I'd just read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and was thinking of re-watching the movie, and she goes "Oh yeah, we just got 21 Jump Street at the store, you gotta see it, it's hilarious." So she lent it to me and I gotta say that mom seemed pretty excited- I mean, come on, this is a woman who watches every single procedural cop show, including occasionally British ones on PBS, and who also owns practically every Johnny Depp movie ever. If this doesn't cheer her up, I don't know what will.
Seriously though, keep an eye out (or rather an ear) 'cause I'm a bit afraid that this is the beginning of a downward spiral.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Season 2 of THE TUDORS...coming soon!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ed wrote a song.
Listen to it. Guess this happened after I left...
Screaming body double doll?

It is truly odd what one can find on NPR... I just wish there was a sound effect to go with the article.
Although my initial impression of Rachel Getting Married was that Anne Hathaway was horrendously miscast, I found this clip to be rather amusing. In particular, the definition of nachtmare i.e. " a nightmare so bad it is in German." See the clip here. I do think we should add it to our lexicon.
Monday, September 15, 2008
616 votes
that's how many votes Sarah Palin won to become mayor of Wasilla. Are you kidding me? You need more votes than that to become student council president at our high school. Read more about her "trail of bad blood" from our commie friends at the Washington Post. Also, idiotic Jane Swift likes her. Another point against her. I HATE stupid women who cannot control their own reproduction and who cannot successfully juggle career and family. They make all the rest of us look bad. Poor Shrillary must be seething.
all this turmoil on wall street....
makes me nervous. i think charles has the right idea by keeping all of her money in her mattress.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
And of course if you want to understand my life
You should probably read this blog: Admittedly I have no idea who writes this, but I kinda feel like i must know them since they are so damn accurate on everything about assistant life (we love diet coke! I frequently end up at a lame night at El Guapo!) all the random stuff I'm always babbling about to you guys...this blog explains it. Its also kind of funny. Or maybe just funny to me. But! It will help you understand your sis so please read! xoxo
I just want to make sure...
License plates are out of control
I keep meaning to write about all the INSANE vanity plates i have been seeing lately. I feel like there have been a lot. By far the worst offender was one today which said, IAMAZEU. Yes, it said I amaze u. Dear god.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A tempting trailer
So F and I went to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona last weekend (quite funny, not enough Penelope Cruz -- she was terrific. hilarious. bombastic. excellent as a crazy artiste). and F felt that of all the trailers we watched, the most interesting was Flash of Genius! thought i would pass it along.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One Massachusetts man's opinion of Palin
I think if I were asked to discuss Sarah Palin, I would probably just vomit on my shoes, or perhaps, I would speak in tongues. Luckily, Matt Damon is more thoughtful and coherent. Check it out.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
La Mere
Does she really sign her emails "Blonde Mother Theresa"???? I think I died a little when I saw that. Oh GOD.
Par Avion
Dodie, I bought tickets!
Here's the scoop: I'll be arriving at Dulles at about 10:30 am on Saturday the 20th, and leaving at about 8 on Friday the 26th. Do I need to figure out public transportation or will you be around?
Here's the scoop: I'll be arriving at Dulles at about 10:30 am on Saturday the 20th, and leaving at about 8 on Friday the 26th. Do I need to figure out public transportation or will you be around?
Oh Pacey...

Just can't escape Massachusetts-set, elsewhere-filmed tv shows. At least this one is suitably snowy. Watched Fringe tonight. Wonderfully cheesy in an x-filesish kinda way. La Mere loved it, but was horribly frustrated because the vcr didn't record her beloved double feature of Prisonbreak and Sarah Connor last night. At least Fringe covered her weekly gun fights and explosions fix, even if she'll have to wait until next week to see "that little robot girl".
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
C thinks this is the most awesome thing ever

Researchers discovered that cattle have a good sense of direction and tend to point in a northerly direction.
It has long been observed that cows appear to have a talent for weather forecasting and are able to predict when rain is on the way, but until now their navigational abilities have been largely ignored.
Their innate ability to find north is believed to be a relic from the days when their wild ancestors needed an accurate sense of direction to migrate across the plains of Africa, Asia and Europe.
Dr Sabine Begall and colleagues from the University of Duisburg-Essen looked at thousands of images of cattle on Google Earth in Britain, Ireland, India and the USA. They also studied 3,000 deer in the Czech Republic. The deer tended to face north when resting or grazing.
Read more at:
a well crafted trailer

Sometimes I think I like trailers better than movies. This trailer is particularly good. And I was very amused that at end you get Lance's name in GIANT letters. Kind of awesome (esp cause he is such a sweet guy, I know I've blabbed to you guys about how awesome he is, but I don't expect you to remember.)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Just like a junkie...
Yay for free books!

Snagged the promo copy of this at work. Was skeptical at first, but have since been completely sucked in!
What do you want to bet that Laura (who you just know is a total bookworm) has had her assistant sneak her a copy wrapped in the dust jacket of a Jan Karon novel.
Dodie, if you don't get a chance to buy this in the next few weeks I'll bring you my copy when I come visit. Which, btw, we need to talk about so I can figure things out and buy plane tickets. Can't wait!
Oh Yes. GG is back!!!!

DId you ladies watch? It was pretty good, although from a storyline standpoint, it didn't really move forward. It pretty much just returned us to where we were with the characters at the beginning of the season finale. Except Blair and Chuck, which let's face it, is the real reason we watch! (um and how awesome is this pic that I found?)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Also, I wish I had a Swiss bank account

I wish I had some sort of crazy swiss account where I just had all kinds of money and passports in a lockbox. Would be totally awesome. First Bourne kind of rocks. Loves it!
Just say yes to the huge sum of money Matt wants to pay you Franka!! Say yes! Also awesome, is the he puts his stuff in that convenient strange backpack trash bag thingy. I think I need to go on a spy adventure right about now.
Rewatching the first Bourne movie, and I forgot just how awesome Matt's giant poofy parka is! I'm going to try and put up pics from my trip to the villa later...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Appreciate the awesomeness
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I find the mustache less interesting...
The mustache I get (elementary my dear Watson), the thing I find great is the tee-shirt.
Quelqu'un m'a dit

After reading the latest VF, I was inspired to try Carla Bruni's music. Absolutely love her. Here's a video of her singing Quelqu'un m'a dit. (not really sure why there is a somewhat fattish naked dude in the background). Charles, she is a fashion inspiration for you! You must get something in that purple. It is sooo in right now.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Eli is way cuter than I thought....
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