Sunday, October 26, 2008

catching up on tee vee

so i finally got to catch up on gg and mm. ( i have unfortunately caught laryngitis and don't feel like leaving this house so it was the perfect time to watch my itunes.) in terms of gg, loved the shout-out to the hotness of stephen on the tudors. had to giggle at that one. but, why were they so obsessed with yale? i felt that yale must have paid them to feature the campus.
now on to mad men. when i saw the title of the episode, i couldn't wait to see if it would feature our favorite norwegian composer. and it did. was minorly disappointed that they felt the need to dialogue about it. as we well know from the wash post article, the average mad men viewer is part of that dreaded "intellectual elite" who has undue influence over our cultural sensibilities and should have a basic knowledge of classical music. (ps obama tries to watch mad men despite his hectic schedule!)
what say you, mes soeurs?

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

wait...what reference to stephen?? how did I miss that? ugh ugh. n shouted at the TV all throughout the yale episode cause they insulted brown and she thinks Brown is a smarter school than yale (I was giggling inside that her snobbery about brown was FINALLY taken down a notch).
and of course my TV didn't record the chuck in real life episode so I need to somehow get that one. sigh.

as for mm. adore the show, don't care that they said the name of the song on it. just love that they used the totally awesome music.