Where might one find a jacket such as this, do you suppose? Or maybe he made it himself? I mean, do you just wake up one day and say 'I know, I should wear a jacket with epaulets! Not just any epaulets- feathered epaulets!'
Ah, gotta love Brandon Flowers. Can't wait for the album, especially since now I have a boy who'll go see them in concert with me. Sigh. One more month.
I AM SO EXCITED about this!!!! I need new music so badly and I want this to be the soundtrack for Thanksgiving this year. I think they are my favorite band. And yeah, who the hell decides to wear a jacket with epaulets voluntarily, much less feathered ones!
at first i thought he had some sort of fur shrug around this shoulders but then i realized they were feathers and it was so much more awesome!
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