Sunday, December 28, 2008

State of Play trailer

This trailer looks like it sticks pretty closely to the original BBC series. The question remains, however, why did Russell Crowe decide to grow his hair like that to play Cal? Also, will he wear an ugly chain like in the original?


Esmee Grace said...

Yeah, Cal had a terrible necklace in the original- but it was still so damn good! I'm taking this one on faith since it involves Helen Mirrim, but I'm not sure about this whole Russell Crowe/Ben Affleck bit. Of course I'm still waiting for the original Life on Mars to come out on DVD in the US (with John Simm, ie Original Cal). Not to mention White Teeth!

Dodie Grace said...

am so dying for white teeth to finally come out on dvd...

Charles Grace said...

ugh I know! we need to start a letter writing campaign to get White teeth released on DVD. Seriously! Early James that no one but we cared about!!