Thursday, November 6, 2008

Things are looking up

So, the year is finally shaping up it seems. Went to see The Decemberists tonight at the Orpheum with Nancy from work, which was totally awesome. What started out as a normal concert quickly turned into a "Thank-God-Obama-Won" party, with the entire crowd going nuts any time Colin Melloy said any of the buzzwords such as 'change', 'tuesday', or 'election'. They even had a cardboard cutout of Obama that they danced around the stage at which point 800 hipsters started giddily shouting 'Yes We Can!' The night ended when Melloy grabbed people out of the first two rows onto the stage for a giant singalong of '16 Military Wives'.
If you're still in doubt of the awesomeness of The Decemberists, you should know that their current tour is titled "Bridesmaid Revisited". So after seeing Amanda Palmer at the end of this month, and The Killers in January, I just need to see The Arcade Fire, The Shins, The White Stripes and Radiohead in order to die a happy music junkie.
That is of course until more new bands move up in the world and I have to start a whole new list.


Dodie Grace said...

i love that song, but being musically illiterate, had no idea that it was by the decemberists.

Charles Grace said...

I'm obsessed with The Bagman's Gambit (thanks to Thanksgiving Mix 1 from Esmee) which according to my computer I have listened to 161 times and is the 9th most listened to song that I have!!