Monday, January 29, 2007

why do you kids never blog anymore?

good? bad? thoughts? random rose byrne-ness, plus cool soundtrack and cillian murphy. I looooove him. loooooove him.


Esmee Grace said...

Watched the trailer for Sunshine (as now have wireless internet in my NEW APARTMENT!!!) and have to say that although it sounds like a terrible concept (ie in the vein of previous bad hilary swank film) but it really does look incredibly well executed. Especially w/the director of Trainspotting and 28 Days Later, two excellent films? And of course, its impossible to dislike a movie with Cillian Murphy. Also, watched the Hot Fuzz trailer, and can't wait, it looks so effing funny.

Dodie Grace said...

rock on kronos quartet....scarybeautiful trailer. cillian murphy what a creepy, silky voice!