Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Countdown Begins...

So tomorrow I am signing a year lease for the new apt! Is anyone else excited? I can move out of La Maison Terrible in a mere 7 days!!! And then freedom! No more of la pere's horrible smelling food, la mere's four-hour whinge-sessions, and no more weird sewer issues. Okay, so they won't go away, but at least I'll pretty much have to deal with it over the phone, and not always in person. And I'll have water pressure, and normal groceries, and roommates who aren't trying to kill each other even though they're married. And I'll be living in the great city of Boston. So now all I need to do is lose 20 pounds, write my first great novel and life will be perfect... Sorry, I'm having an odd surge of optimism right now. Better nip that in the bud, or it might ruin my reputation.


Charles Grace said...

Am delighted with the optimism. I sent you a script I read and really liked. I hope you like it too. Its about townies and stuff. Am so proud of you. You've come so far and it makes me so happy to know you will finally be living a normal life away from the wretched ones.

Dodie Grace said...

Yay! Hot water, real food, no cat barf.....