Tuesday, January 23, 2007

its 6am and I have been up for 40 minutes...

Damn early Oscar nominations. And stupid G didn't even get a freakin nomination. oh well. V weird best actor race. Confusing how Leo got nomination for Blood Diamond but not Departed. Guess its just to gurantee that he won't win. So good in the Departed. Can feel self getting obessed again. I would have made the boss put people in that movie, although I guess its kinda the perfect the way it was. Wonder when Departed is out on DVD so I can watch it another 10 times bringing my total to 13. Sigh. Such a perfect movie. Still, on Oscar day, I gotta be loyal and root for LMS.


Esmee Grace said...

February 13th is when it's out on DVD, so just 21 more days until unlimited Leo goodness. Not to mention the awesomeness that is Mark Wahlberg. Seeing as local news has been announcing that he's from Dorcester every five minutes, I imagine that Southie might be actually excited about the Oscars this year due to the nomination of our very own hometown boy.

Dodie Grace said...

luv walhberg....reminds me that there are always others more unfortunate than ourselves. was at downtown crossing the other night buying cruddy underwear at H&M b/c I've run out of clothes and don't have quarters for the laundromat when I was totally accosted by this dude in a pats t-shirt who asked me in a wahlberg-like-accent if I had any coins ("coh-tahs") so he could make a telephone call at the pay phone. it was snowing and he looked miserable so I gave him my only quarter. it could always be worse. at least I had a coat....