Monday, January 22, 2007

They sure are crazy in New Hampshire....

PLAINFIELD, N.H. --Ed Brown's supporters prepared for a stand off with the government despite U.S. marshals' continued statements that they have no plans to attack.
Brown and his wife, Elaine, were found guilty of tax evasion on Thursday. She returned to her son's Massachusetts home to wait for sentencing on April 24. Ed Brown, meanwhile, holed up in his fortress-like home and skipped most of his federal tax trial.
"This situation is exploding so fast in this nation and internationally that the Illuminati around the world are becoming very aware," Brown told the Concord Monitor, referring to a secret society Brown believes has infiltrated the world's governments.
The Browns' case attracted the interest nationally, bringing anti-tax activists and armed supporters to the rural home this weekend.
Brown has repeatedly said he would rather die than submit to the federal government.

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