Monday, January 8, 2007

appear to have been working in my sleep again

I just read this on Empire:

"The list of nominees for The BAFTA Orange Rising Star Award was announced today. Empire were live at the scene as 2006 winner James McAvoy read out the lucky five performers:

Naomie Harris, seen shining recently in Pirates Of The Caribbean 2, Miami Vice and A Cock And Bull Story.

Emily Blunt, who you'll recognise as one of the highlights of The Devil Wears Prada, Irresistible, and who gave a terrific performance in My Summer Of Love.

Cillian Murphy, who was the lead in 2006's Palm D'or winner The Wind That Shakes The Barley within a year of playing a cross-dresser in Breakfast On Pluto, a nutter in Red Eye and a super-villain in Batman Begins.

Eva Green made one of the best ever Bond girls in Casino Royale, capitalising on great work in Kingdom Of Heaven.

Ben Wishaw is currently making a huge impact with the recently released Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer, but you may also recognise him from his turn as Keith Richards in Stoned."

Um, gee, who else might have chosen those people? Plus James McAvoy? I am prety sure I was his first fan. I actually remember looking him up after seeing White Teeth and thinking "gee, I should keep an eye on this guy" even though he was all totally dorky in the film. Oh and I remembered what Cillian Murphy was in and why I like him, 28 Days Later and Intermission (think thats what its called but am a little tired).

I want you both to begin getting excited for ATONEMENT. It will be amazing. I promise you. Get excited now.


1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

you didn't mention that romola is in atonement!