ok, also got this book "carpe diem put a little latin in your life" for la mere so she can feel even more superior to the rest of us proles and "lone survivor" for le pere about navy seals who have a bad mission in afghanistan. just hoping he hasn't read it yet. but he often re-reads books without realizing he's read them before, so it probably wouldn't matter anyway
ps ch-ch-charles call me got a gift for esmee and want to double check with you that she doesn't already have it
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Get into the holiday spirit...
With the Killers...and possibly a bottle of Jack.
Can't wait to see you guys!
Can't wait to see you guys!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
cadeaux pour le pere
i got him a big blue fleece thing. was also thinking of getting him a pats sweatshirt like the one belichik wears. maybe some sort of nature dvd series to watch on his ginormous flatscreen tv? thoughts?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Les Cadeux Pour La Mere
I got the following things for mom from Borders:
Jeeves and Wooster Season 2 (ie the one w/the cow creamer)
Edward Gorey Wall Calendar (she picked it out herself)
The Third Man (she mentioned she wanted it over the summer)
and Finn (a novel). I figure I'll give her the Third Man and the book since she mentioned them to me before, so if either of you two want to give her the calendar or the Wodehouse, let me know.
Jeeves and Wooster Season 2 (ie the one w/the cow creamer)
Edward Gorey Wall Calendar (she picked it out herself)
The Third Man (she mentioned she wanted it over the summer)
and Finn (a novel). I figure I'll give her the Third Man and the book since she mentioned them to me before, so if either of you two want to give her the calendar or the Wodehouse, let me know.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
maybe she could figure out how they made the blood splurt so far

So I saw Sweeny Todd (Demon Barber of Fleet Street). the sub-title pretty much says it all. If you want to see a movie about a murderous singing-barber with LOTS (and I mean lots) of bright red blood that kinda looks like paint, then this is movie for you. If you do not care to see a movie where there is an entire song where all Johnny Depp does is slit people's throats then this is perhaps not so much for you. The acting really was superb and the music is kinda awesome (its mostly singing and not much spoken dialogue). pLus the costumes and settings and all the freaky-pale make-up = awesomeness. oh and sacha baron cohen, brief lived but great, also odd to hear him speaking in a normal British accent for a bit. You tend to forget that he is just a nice Brit-boy really (albeit a freakishly tall one). I love Helena Bonham Carter always, and her costumes were just so cool. So, its like that time period thats my favorite and very awesome to look at but me and N and K were all shrieking with every slit throat. Johnny was fantastic as is to be expected. I thought the movie was great, but don't go see it if you want a happy story. Things pretty much don't really end well for anyone exactly (what with most people dying horrible horrible deaths and all). Oh and Johnny sings to his razor blade that its his faithful friend. creeptastic.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
one more trailer....
Saturday, November 24, 2007
the two new MUST watch trailers

First is IN BRUGES, which to be honest I didn't love as a script. I thought it was just dark cause the humor wasn't on the page but they did a great job with casting and it looks quite frankly awesome. You can see this one here: http://www.firstshowing.net/2007/11/23/in-bruges-trailer-with-colin-farrell-brendan-gleeson-and-ralph-fiennes/
The 2nd is THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY, which previously I thought sounded depressing and dull because its about a dude who communicates by blinking his eye and somehow wrote a book this way. But it IS a Julian Schnabel movie so obviously going to be arty and I think it looks gorgeous. Plus it has Matthieu Amalric who was the French guy in Munich and I thought he was so good in that and put him on my list of actors I love and now he has gone and done this. you can see that one here: http://www.thedivingbellandthebutterfly-themovie.com/
christmas wishes???
hey chicas, what are your official and non-official christmas wishes???
so far i'm wishing for this french cookbook by amanda hesser. i think it is called the cook and the gardener....
so far i'm wishing for this french cookbook by amanda hesser. i think it is called the cook and the gardener....
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Perfect Day Is...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Oh Atonement - best picture of the year

I know, I know. I am competely obsessed with it. Saw a screening of it tonight, it was Incredible! the BEST movie of the year by far. Its so beautifully shot, so beautifully framed. All the details perfect. gorgous sets, costumes, and of course the acting. Keira & James are AMAZING. So is the little Irish girl Saroise. When it comes out you both must see it. So tragic and sad! but hooray James! people will finally see how awesome he is, that which we have known since white Teeth. And of course Keira. She is such a great actress, not just a pretty face.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Best lines ever...
So I'm watching the latest episode of Heroes online (since I have a television but no antennae) and a character literally just said...
..."You've had a terrible accident."
I think if any of us write stuff, that line should be included at least once per manuscript.
Just sayin'.
..."You've had a terrible accident."
I think if any of us write stuff, that line should be included at least once per manuscript.
Just sayin'.
Monday, November 12, 2007
They call them B-Sides for a reason...
What did we do before YouTube?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mother/Daughter Bonding

How many mothers bring their daughters to go see movies like Eastern Promises?
I'd be more traumatized if I hadn't already watched movies like Trainspotting and Fight Club avec La Mere.
And of course I was also more prepared than poor Dodie, so as soon as they entered the steam baths, I immediately started cringing in anticipation.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Kiefer filming in DC!
Kiefer was in town and I missed him! Sigh. The boy and I almost went to go hang out in Georgetown but then decided to go hiking along the Potomac instead. The only celeb I saw yesterday was Patrick Ewing. (He was in line before me at the gym. So enormously tall! He looked ridiculously oversized on the stairmaster.)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Why I love Tek
You guys have to read this story about our fave catcher http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/11/02/fans_catch_treat_at_varitek_home/
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
pros and cons of moviewatching avec la mere...
I want WANTED!!!!

You must both watch this trailer right now!!!
Its for WANTED with beloved James McAvoy, Angelina (gorgeous always) and Morgan Freeman. Whoo hooo! Vote for James! (me and Nic's second favorite slogan after "Tart is always an option"....best not to ask, things always seem much more clever at 4am)
This is the creepy poster for the comic I think and just a hot pic of James.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sometimes I wish I was Sofia Coppola
I mean who wouldn't want to be BFF with Marc Jacobs, dress exclusively in ballet flats and babydoll dresses and spend your time directing amazing, female driven movies with stellar casts and spectacular locations. After seeing the Darjeeling Limited (which I loved but the boy did not) I realized that her next muse absolutely has to be Natalie (who, by the way, looked perfect in her gray slightly militaristic wool coat by Marc Jacobs. absolutely want it, but not sure I would be able to pull it off.) Heard any rumors, dear Charles, on what her next project may be?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Anti-terrorism now has a mascot.
I wish I was making this up. Unfortunately this is what our tax dollars are being spent on. I think I hear the entire world laughing at us.
Youk and Papelbon dance off
Here is the dance that the Remdog prefers over the Irish jig. Love his ending commentary on Papelbon: "That guy there is supposed to bring you to the promised land."
Jonathan Papelbon doing an Irish jig in his underwear
Really, the title says it all. I don't know how much more I could add. I love the underlying commentary of the Remdog. And extra points for the Dropkick Murphy's song. Papelbon is actually quite good at step dancing. I never realized what a large and well-muscled man he is. (why is he wearing goggles??)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Only Spike Jonze...
...could get away with this shit in a Gap commercial. And as a bonus Dodie, it features our very favorite music!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
When expectations are met...
New Band of Horses this week! And not just new Radiohead. FREE new Radiohead!!
This totally makes up for how much work has sucked this week.
This totally makes up for how much work has sucked this week.
Friday, October 12, 2007
My favorite song from Dil Chahta Hai
Yes, having lots of fun on youtube. You know how much I love this movie! Why aren't more American films like this with extended musical fantasy sequences and tap dancing?? Keep watching past the 1st minute or so of Hindi conversation.
The video that made me fall in love with Juanes
The song is so catchy. Love the dark Catholic overtones, the classic art references, the leather strap Juanes wears around his head...
Oh Mandy
I like Mandy Moore so much more now that she is a brunette. love this acoustic version of the umbrella song.
Go sox
did anyone else catch coco giving manny a twinkle fingers salute after his RBI single in the 1st???? what goofy guys. anyways, check out this hilarious clip of coco getting run over by some ridiculous mascot.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Les cadeaux

So I have a small gift for each of you...just let me know where to send and I will (probably later in the week though).
Just saw Darjeeling Limited and it made me miss you guys terribly. They got siblings spot on, and it was just such great Wes Anderson quirkyness. So happy about it. I must confess that Life Aquatic wasn't my favorite but this one was excellent. Love the flashback scene. Loved adrien brody and jason schwartzman. it was just so great. Ooooh Dodie that is totally what I should have told you to see. But probably not with the boy...I don't think its his kind of thing. Anyways my dears, I hope you are both well.
Friday, October 5, 2007
In the spirit of posting batshit crazy trailers...
here's my bid...
Now we just need to see a little Brothers Bloom action.
Now we just need to see a little Brothers Bloom action.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The demon barber
Monday, October 1, 2007
So I won a pair of passes to go see the Darjeeling Limited on Wednesday night at the Boston Common Theater!
How much do I love FNX right now??
My week just got a whole lot better.
How much do I love FNX right now??
My week just got a whole lot better.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Just watched the Darjeeling Limited trailer again, and just wanted to say that I miss you guys. We so need to take a trip just the three of us this spring. Thats all.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Dodie...you are going to love this!! perez just did a post about your favorite singer Juanes!
Dodie...you are going to love this!! perez just did a post about your favorite singer Juanes!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I suddenly get what all the fuss was about

We went to see Across the Universe last night and it was amazing. LOVED IT. Don't care that the movie as a story adn what not has issues, that wasn't really the point. It gorgously shot, beautiful sets and costumes, etc. the songs of course are the best songs ever written (this is really gonna become a cult classic singalong) and AND the acting/singing was really good. I figured that Jim Sturgess would be great (pretty much him singing Girl in the trailer removes all doubts) and Evan Rachel Wood despite some weirdness is a really talented actress (no one can deny this) but Joe Anderson was the surprise!! Now I have to take back everytime I was ever like "who the eff is this joe anderson person? and why is he on this list?" cause he was actually really good. He is gonna be in CONTROL too which I am obviously excited to see what with always having been a Joy Division fan. Anyways, I can't say enough about the movie. Afterwards N and I wanted to go see it again, and I kinda almost might on Sunday (one of those movies that I just keep repeat watching until the entire thing is forever stuck in my head). Anyhoos, if you guys get a sec and its playing near you, GO SEE IT. Its Julie Taymor madness at her best.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A somewhat related post
So I found this totally crazy version of the In the hall of the mountain king, but this group called apocalyptica. check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw0TikGmVz4&mode=related&search=
How do they have so many fans??? who knew there were hard rocking cellists??
How do they have so many fans??? who knew there were hard rocking cellists??
Creepy, creepy Michael Pitt
So I may be the only person in America who watched Cache (eerie and haunting, interestingly filmed), but here is another film by the same director and it appears to have taken creepiness to the next level (even though it is a remake). Love the use of Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King (aka Hunt the Wumpus).
So I may be the only person in America who watched Cache (eerie and haunting, interestingly filmed), but here is another film by the same director and it appears to have taken creepiness to the next level (even though it is a remake). Love the use of Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King (aka Hunt the Wumpus).
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Heaven for music nerds
This is the site of that guy who did the video w/Arcade Fire in the elevator. He has about 64 videos posted now with all different bands. I haven't watched them all yet, but I'd recommend Beirut and Grizzly Bear, as they are bands I really love. Also, there are some really cute dancing kids in the Menomena one, and there's a great sing along of Starman by David Bowie in the Of Montreal one.
This is the site of that guy who did the video w/Arcade Fire in the elevator. He has about 64 videos posted now with all different bands. I haven't watched them all yet, but I'd recommend Beirut and Grizzly Bear, as they are bands I really love. Also, there are some really cute dancing kids in the Menomena one, and there's a great sing along of Starman by David Bowie in the Of Montreal one.
The year of Casey....
Look Charles, it seems that people are beginning to catch on...
Friday, August 31, 2007
I promise to stop posting on this for a while after this...but you too will soon be swept up in my obsessesion

Although we must wait until December to see the movie, it apparently had a smashing debut at the Venice Film Festival, getting AMAAAZING reviews.
here are a few choice comments from the Variety and Hollywood Reporter reviews.
From Variety: "Rarely has a book sprung so vividly to life, but also worked so enthrallingly in pure movie terms, as with “Atonement,” Brit helmer Joe Wright’s smart, dazzlingly upholstered adaptation of Ian McEwan’s celebrated 2001 novel."
"Keira Knightley -- echoed by co-thesp James McAvoy --proves every bit as magnetic as the divas of those classic mellers pic consciously references."
"But it’s Knightley and McAvoy’s film, with both showing impressive star poise and physical elan. As the more controlled Cecilia, Knightley hints at the rebel behind the upper-middle-class mask, while McAvoy shows a sheer emotional range that’s completely new to his career. Like Irish thesp Ronan, the Scots actor also turns in an immaculate southern English accent."
From Hollywood Reporter:
""Atonement," Ian McEwan's best-selling novel of love thwarted by juvenile fantasy, has been rendered on screen so well by director Joe Wright and screenwriter Christopher Hampton that it ranks with the best novel adaptations of recent times."
"With compelling and charismatic performances by Keira Knightley and James McAvoy as the lovers, and a stunning contribution from Romola Garai as their remorseful nemesis, the film goes directly to "The English Patient" territory and might also expect rapturous audiences and major awards."
I have to say it...I told you so!!! Didn't I say this movie was going to be amaaaazing like a year ago??? Dodie, you have to trust me that this film is incredible and james mcavoy brilliant!! (I don't think I need to say anything on the brilliance of Keira, now do i?)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
This is pretty much the best thing ever...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
very cool i'm not there clip
check out this clip from the next todd payne movie I'm Not There with the ever excellent cate blanchett as bob dylan as s/he interacts with allen ginsberg.
Obama girl vs Giuliani girl
have you guys seen this? totally hilarious. booty shaking skank hos singing about how much they love obama and giuliani.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Proud Member of the Cash-Strapped Alt-Nation
"While the Download Festival didn't quite deliver on its promise to connect artists and audience (the ballyhooed master classes were downgraded to autograph sessions and big names avoided the Q&A stage altogether), Modest Mouse frontman Isaac Brock bridged the divide with one offhand comment encouraging fans in the back of the half-empy venue to take the open seats in the front section. Anarchy ensued. The gleeful but cash-strapped alt-nation barrelled past ushers and spilled over rows as Brock barked the apropos opening lines to "Float On": "I backed my car into a cop the other day/ Well he just drove off, sometimes life's OK." (Boston Globe)
Yep, that was me and my friends barrelling past security and climbing over seats to get within 30 feet of the stage so we could tell Johnny Marr how much we loved him. Ahhh... heaven is an alternative rock concert.
Yep, that was me and my friends barrelling past security and climbing over seats to get within 30 feet of the stage so we could tell Johnny Marr how much we loved him. Ahhh... heaven is an alternative rock concert.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I confess to be a little obsessed...

It doesn't come out until December but I am already SO excited. I want this poster so badly. Sigh. Went to see Becoming Jane today just to see some James McAvoy goodness. Remember when he was in white teeth like 5 years ago and I was all like "that guy is amazing" and i dodie was like "that guy is weird and nerdy" (which admitedly he kinda was) but I was always so excited when he was in stuff. I feel like he is a big well known actor at this point but maybe I am a little delusional and its only in my mind that every girl is in love with him a little bit. anyways, he was SO hot in the movie. Not sure why I find guys in foppish long coats so attractive but I do.
anyways...where have you two been? why am I the only one who posts anymore? Sigh. At least Esmee is coming to visit!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
New Atonement trailer!!! New Atonement trailer!!!

http://www.hyperlaunch.com/atonement/Atonement2_256k.mov - this link works pretty good and you can see it clearly.
Anyways, this second trailer makes it look even more amazing. I'm having an incredibly lazy day today. sigh. ah well. sometimes we need one of those, right?
Also, Dodie, forgot to tell you this on Friday when I was talking about the screening but they mention Concord prison (a ref to father gaigen or however that is spelled) but I was mildly excited cause I am nerdy like that.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Don't we just have impeccable taste???
Check out page 32 of the August edition of Empire magazine for a first look at The Brothers Bloom, including my favorite line about how 'the script's shrouded in secrecy.' Hehe. Can't wait can't wait can't wait.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Fashion. Sigh.
I just watched THE DREAMERS which is one effed up movie for starters. But watching things like that always make me a little sad about my clothing. I wish I wore quirky cool dresses and skirts. I feel so completely corporate in how I dress and its depressing. Also, I really wish I lived in an old house and had rooms that were painted any color other than white. I love those European houses where the walls are painted all kinds of dark colors. Oh well. Someday, right? Anyways, I just feel like I'm not doing anything wiht my life but working constantly at a job that I don't even particularly enjoy anymore. Maybe its time for me to move on. What do you girls think?
Friday, July 27, 2007
Esmee's Music Update July 2007
I've got new Interpol, new Spoon, new White Stripes, Patrick Wolf, and an excellent band called Immaculate Machine. And if anyone has a yen for The Kinks after watching the Darjeeling Limited trailer, I've got that too.
Oh, and Dodie, I'm all for going to India! Sounds like a plan!
Oh, and Dodie, I'm all for going to India! Sounds like a plan!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
if i have to admit another shaken baby this week (i admitted my 3rd last night!), i really am going to cry my eyes out. i know i really wanted to be at a big tertiary care hospital, but i am seeing the sickest kids i've ever taken care of so i'm a bit shell-shocked.
i'm like so messed up by my new nocturnal schedule. and obviously am also having trouble sleeping for more than 5 hrs during the day. when i finally get regulated am going to check out the trailers! yay wes anderson. and will most def read harry potter. don't tell me what happens yet! i feel it will be a grueling read.
i'm like so messed up by my new nocturnal schedule. and obviously am also having trouble sleeping for more than 5 hrs during the day. when i finally get regulated am going to check out the trailers! yay wes anderson. and will most def read harry potter. don't tell me what happens yet! i feel it will be a grueling read.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I have to admit I am a sucker for Wes Anderson

His new movie, Darjeeling Limited, looks pretty good in a quirky Wes Anderson sort of way. I think that even though I absolutely adore Rushmore and was disappointed by Life Aquatic, Royal Tenenbaums is by far the best to me. Just thinking about it. But this one looks pretty good too. Quieter and not as frenetic as Royal Tenenbaums (which of course was mostly Gene Hackman, oh and while on the topic of RT, hooray for my boss for putting two clients in that film!!!). The thing I am most excited about here is that Adrien Brody is in this. He somehow looks really good in it and I am of course always excited for Jason S. Overall outlook, think it should be good in a quirky indie sort of way. And as for the pictures, one seems to be some sort of INSANE poster I found, very biazarre. And the other is a pic of the guys, which is also just strange. Enjoy!
The trailer is now on the quicktime site. I've already watched about five times. Who else is excited????
Monday, July 23, 2007
Possibly the weirdest video out there right now...
Ok Dodie, what the hell is faizington's website up to? There are these biazarre webisode things, so the first was posted don defamer cause it involves BEN AFFLECK DRESSED UP AS AN EAR OF CORN. Except then it got stranger for me once I saw that it was producer by the center for american progress. I was like "what the hell?" and had to go to the whole website. Its just so biazarre. There is no other word for it. Must watch and then have your boy explain what the eff is going on. They got pretty cool people though, like our gal Sarah S.
Ok Dodie, what the hell is faizington's website up to? There are these biazarre webisode things, so the first was posted don defamer cause it involves BEN AFFLECK DRESSED UP AS AN EAR OF CORN. Except then it got stranger for me once I saw that it was producer by the center for american progress. I was like "what the hell?" and had to go to the whole website. Its just so biazarre. There is no other word for it. Must watch and then have your boy explain what the eff is going on. They got pretty cool people though, like our gal Sarah S.
Probably the most exciting thing to happen in Boxborough all year...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
It's 2:19am, technically Sunday I guess. I just finished the book. OMG. Don't worry, I won't spoil anything for you. I had been hoping to wait until my days off on tuesday and wednesday to read it at a leisurely pace, possibly drinking coffee out on the balcony, but then I spent the entire day today putting my fingers in my ears, darting away people, averting my eyes as I unboxed more of the damn books, and shrieking "No! stop talking! I haven't read it yet! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP TALKING ABOUT THE BOOK!!!" But of course working in a bookstore, pretty much 97% of all conversations were about Harry Potter, and at least four staff members had finished the book before coming into work today.
So I broke down and started reading. It took me about eight hours.
I'll tell you all about the madness of Friday night later (I'll also post pictures once I've got them on disk).
But right now I'm going to bed.
So I broke down and started reading. It took me about eight hours.
I'll tell you all about the madness of Friday night later (I'll also post pictures once I've got them on disk).
But right now I'm going to bed.
harry potter mania
don't tell me how it ends! i want to read it when i finally get vacation....hope you are surviving all the madness, esmee.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
so i hate toby keith but...
i can't help loving this song. it's too darn catchy....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
another good indie

from noah baumbach (or however is spelled...) http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount_vantage/margotatthewedding/trailer/
also you both MUST WATCH RIGHT NOW the GONE BABY GONE trailer (which I have been raving about for weeks....)
also, I would recommend JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB (yes I know these last two are client films, but I swear they look good!!!)
(oh and I wanted to put the GBG poster but couldn't get it to work...so we have this really old pic of ben and casey instead...)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Everyone wants to be the next snatch...
not sure if this will be good or too over the top. but clive owen and paul giamatti are always fun to watch.
Friday, June 29, 2007
"I like Creepy Guys"
the next awesome movie. I swear it looks great and it has Empire's seal of approval. hooray!
Monday, June 25, 2007
excited for Atonement

this is an old pic if I can manage to attach it (although just rewatched Love Actually last night to cheer self up from all the awful GK drama). the boss might have to screen atonement (cause JF will be working with the director) and i might just have to beg him to let me come along. sigh. such an amazing cast. i wish i could sign her.
how does she know?
how does the mere know of every natural disaster/fire before I ever do? does she have some eeiry sixth sense? or does she just watch waaaay too much news? she emailed me asking if anyone I knew's house burned down in tahoe. I was like "I don't even know anyone who has a house in tahoe." oy vey.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
You guys so owe me...
...for going to la mere's chorale concert tonight. Alone. Without booze. On the plus side she seems to be coming around to me living in Dorchester seeing as she spent the night introducing me to people and going "my daughter drove all the way from Dorchester to see me perform. Isn't she devoted?" So the brownie points don't hurt.
You guys should call her. She mentioned she hasn't talked to either of you in a while. She's not mopey about it yet because she's in the throes of a manic high, but we want to keep her that way.
You guys should call her. She mentioned she hasn't talked to either of you in a while. She's not mopey about it yet because she's in the throes of a manic high, but we want to keep her that way.
Monday, June 18, 2007
I was sneezed on...
Friday, June 15, 2007
If only I could cook....
Bradley Cooper: Take the lamb off your menu.
Michael Vartan: Return my creepy baker.
BC: Um...no.
MV: I guess it is, how you say... on?
BC: Oh mais oui, it is totally, how you say... on.
Yes folks, Kitchen Confidential is on DVD. How can you not love Bradley Cooper?
Michael Vartan: Return my creepy baker.
BC: Um...no.
MV: I guess it is, how you say... on?
BC: Oh mais oui, it is totally, how you say... on.
Yes folks, Kitchen Confidential is on DVD. How can you not love Bradley Cooper?
Monday, June 11, 2007
More proof we all secretly work for Elle in our sleep
Even Esmee appears to have been contributing...
Friday, June 8, 2007
I like to pinch
New element commercial. Check out the one with the lobster. tee hee. And of course, here is the original too. http://automobiles.honda.com/element-and-friends/index.aspx
Oh and yu have to watch the french penguin one.
Oh and yu have to watch the french penguin one.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
News from the music junkie...
First, a super-cute video from Feist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWrNCCx2p5U
And if you like that one, watch her video of 1 2 3 4.
and second of all.... NEW SMASHING PUMPKINS SINGLE!!! Who's excited? We've only been waiting 7 years for this one, and it sounds like they are in fairly decent form, even though Billy Corgan still looks a little like Max Shrek. Ah well, not everyone can be talented and beautiful.
And if you like that one, watch her video of 1 2 3 4.
and second of all.... NEW SMASHING PUMPKINS SINGLE!!! Who's excited? We've only been waiting 7 years for this one, and it sounds like they are in fairly decent form, even though Billy Corgan still looks a little like Max Shrek. Ah well, not everyone can be talented and beautiful.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Don't you wish you were keira???
Check out the new vogue! love it! they sent her on a safari and she wrote a totally cute diary for them.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Loudon must be so proud...
I think this might be on Halloween. But I really wouldn't place any bets.
You know you're from Boston when...
...you think it's your god-given right to cut people off in traffic. Although apparently your cities dear soeurs should make you feel right at home in that respect as the latest study has shown that Boston, LA, and Washington DC rank 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively in levels of road rage (ie swearing, tailgaiting and general bad driving), with only Miami and New York above us.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I'm Sorry but this might be a more awesomer blog...
Sorry Dodie, but John Mayer is shockingly too damn funny. I think he is hysterical which you would probably never guess from his music. but his blog is HILARIOUS. Read the scenes of Grey's Anatomy that he wrote. Its genius!!!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Awesomest blog
You guys absolutely have to check out this hilarious blog. It is so awesome.
Here's a taste of the goodness you will find on it. It's called why am i so pretty. it has to be great.
"Dear men who wear mandals,
DEALBREAKER. I'm sorry, but if you are wearing strappy leather sandals (with or without velcro), I can no longer think of you as an attractive human being. I know it's unfair, but you look like your mother dressed you. Besides, those in combination with your Tommy Hilfiger carpenter jorts are making me want to vom.
i'm also guessing there are moobs under that short-sleeved button down,
Did i mention it is the epitome of catty hilariousness???
Here's a taste of the goodness you will find on it. It's called why am i so pretty. it has to be great.
"Dear men who wear mandals,
DEALBREAKER. I'm sorry, but if you are wearing strappy leather sandals (with or without velcro), I can no longer think of you as an attractive human being. I know it's unfair, but you look like your mother dressed you. Besides, those in combination with your Tommy Hilfiger carpenter jorts are making me want to vom.
i'm also guessing there are moobs under that short-sleeved button down,
Did i mention it is the epitome of catty hilariousness???
how far you've come daniel meade....
Saturday, May 5, 2007
The latest and greatest...
Air- Pocket Symphony
Arctic Monkeys- Favourite Worst Nightmare
Blonde Redhead- 23
Bright Eyes- Cassadaga
The Cinematics- A Strange Education
Kaiser Chiefs- Yours Truly, Angry Mob
Klaxons- Myths of the Near Future
The Long Winters- Putting the Days to Bed
Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Muse- Origins of Symmetry (this is an older album, but i just finally broke down and got it)
The Noisettes- What's the Time Mr. Wolf?
Peter, Bjorn and John- Falling Out
Ra Ra Riot (EP)
The Shins- Wincing the Night Away
Starlite Desperation- Violate a Sundae (EP)
Tori Amos- American Doll Posse
Arctic Monkeys- Favourite Worst Nightmare
Blonde Redhead- 23
Bright Eyes- Cassadaga
The Cinematics- A Strange Education
Kaiser Chiefs- Yours Truly, Angry Mob
Klaxons- Myths of the Near Future
The Long Winters- Putting the Days to Bed
Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Muse- Origins of Symmetry (this is an older album, but i just finally broke down and got it)
The Noisettes- What's the Time Mr. Wolf?
Peter, Bjorn and John- Falling Out
Ra Ra Riot (EP)
The Shins- Wincing the Night Away
Starlite Desperation- Violate a Sundae (EP)
Tori Amos- American Doll Posse
Another reason to love Amanda Palmer...
Apparently she's funny too...
Friday, May 4, 2007
most amazing trailer
you MUST watch this HILARIOUS trailer. its so funny. Or maybe i just really miss George Michael on ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. anyways, watch the SUPERBAD trailer right now http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/superbad/
"Crazy French fabulousness"
So, I guess the French have their own version of American Idol. Here's a funny clip of one of the contestants singing Light My Fire by the Doors. It's hilarious to hear the song in a French accent. All those rolled R's. You have to watch the whole thing through. or as Perez Hilton suggests, "He goes bananas towards the end! Fast forward to 01:50 for some crazy French fabulousness."
Thursday, May 3, 2007
If you are ever feeling bad about how you look...
If you are ever feeling bad about how you look, just remember: Hillary Clinton used to look like this:

And then watch this video. (Note the Die Hipster Scum t-shirt! Tee hee.)

And then watch this video. (Note the Die Hipster Scum t-shirt! Tee hee.)
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Golden Age

I have always loved Sir Walter Raleigh so I was pleased to discover that he is going to be played by Clive Owen in the The Golden Age. (I know, Charles, I am very behind the times to have just found this out). Anyways. Here's the new trailer. It looks great. Although, I found the Raleigh-hanging-off-the-bow-of-a-ship-with-his-shirt-open channeling Mr Darcy and Leo to be a bit much. Cate shouts a lot to show us her power. (Maybe Hillary should take note?) Also features creepy Samantha Morton and our favorite ham, Geoffrey Rush.
Friday, April 27, 2007

Here's for Esmee who sadly could not be with us. Charles and I absolutely loved the Zoopsia exhibit at the Getty.
I think it is my second favorite
exhibit ever (after 24 hour psycho by Douglas Gordon, of course).
Here are some images from the exhibit and a link to learn more about the artist, Tim Hawkinson.
(I think Esmee actually had a similar bat hanging in her bedroom for a while. Absolutely avant-garde. Though I guess he made his bat out of plastic bags from radio shack and twist-ties.) Be sure to look closely to fully appreciate the tentacles of the octopus and the spine of the prehistoric dinofish. P.S. Zoopsia means a visual hallucination of animals. You can read more about the exhibit here.

Science in the seventies
So a classmate of mine sent this out. The first 3 1/2 minutes are very boring. Some nerdy guy discussing DNA replication, but then we get to the real deal. Maybe it is funnier if you actually understand the science behind it, but it is still pretty awesome. The bizarre poetry. The frenetic dancing. The body paint. The Andean pipes. Wow.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Harry Potter gets a haircut!!
Check out the new trailer. Harry appears to be much less shaggy in this one. Love the British pronunciation of "incontrovertible"
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
he would walk into the furniture which is why he has to sit
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Jodie Foster sings and swings
You have to check out this video...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knOEB3S6BLY
Friday, April 13, 2007
Things to do when you're bored and have high speed internet...
1.) Watch music videos on YouTube.
If you want something bizarre, check out this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAO1nadsrgQ
If you want something brilliant check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrrGKR8Xii4
for odd but cool modest mouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n4Sd-USFkQ
and finally the killers because the only place they could find that was stranger than their native Las Vegas was Tokyo
If you want something bizarre, check out this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAO1nadsrgQ
If you want something brilliant check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrrGKR8Xii4
for odd but cool modest mouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n4Sd-USFkQ
and finally the killers because the only place they could find that was stranger than their native Las Vegas was Tokyo
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
celeb crush # 9

Roger Federer.....I love watching him play tennis. Always so poised. So perfect. He doesn't even break a sweat. He makes the other players look like amateurs with his effortless backhand. I have become absolutely obsessed with Wimbledon because of him. Here's an action shot and another pic of him channeling James Bond. And he's Swiss so he probably has excellent manners.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
top 10 celebrity crushes number 9
Um, so this is an "old" kind of crush. like our obsession with Peter O'Toole or Cary Grant as kids. C and I just watched REDS and while the movie kinda drags and blah blah blah communism, etc. can I just say Warren beatty = HOT HOT HOT. LOVE Warren and since he like never makes movies these days I forgot how much I freakin love him. Def went through a warren phase when i was younger. anyone else have a random old-school celeb crush?
Friday, April 6, 2007
bill o'reilly loses his mind during argument with geraldo
omygod, this is so scary. bill o'reilly just goes nuts at geraldo who correctly accuses him of xenophobia and racism. It starts off normal fox banter and then around minute 2, bill flips out. frightening what passes for "news" on the fox network....
check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI
check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI
Thursday, April 5, 2007
david berkeley
Fazzington and I went to The Barns at Wolf Trap last night and saw Vienna Teng, who we both love, perform. It was a great space. The acoustics were amazing. She was phenomenal live. Great voice and terrific pianist.
Anyways, the guy who opened for her was named David Berkeley and he was pretty good. Very Damien Rice-ish. You should check him out. He wrote a song called Day of the Dead about Bush's re-election. Pretty awesome. And he's a Harvard boy. Joint lit-philosophy major.
Anyways, the guy who opened for her was named David Berkeley and he was pretty good. Very Damien Rice-ish. You should check him out. He wrote a song called Day of the Dead about Bush's re-election. Pretty awesome. And he's a Harvard boy. Joint lit-philosophy major.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
MC rove
have you guys seen this?? absolutely hilarious. and embarassing. more cringe-worthy than The Office.
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