Monday, July 23, 2007

Possibly the weirdest video out there right now...

Ok Dodie, what the hell is faizington's website up to? There are these biazarre webisode things, so the first was posted don defamer cause it involves BEN AFFLECK DRESSED UP AS AN EAR OF CORN. Except then it got stranger for me once I saw that it was producer by the center for american progress. I was like "what the hell?" and had to go to the whole website. Its just so biazarre. There is no other word for it. Must watch and then have your boy explain what the eff is going on. They got pretty cool people though, like our gal Sarah S.

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

yeah, he had mentioned it...i asked him if they were going to have any guest bloggers this week and he said, maybe matt damon. i guess the guy who wrote oceans twelve is like tight with podesta or something so he'll produce stuff for the center. obviously the matt/ben/jen crew are raging liberals so they were keen to do something environmental in conjunction with cap. he was excited to hear that sarah was a client of yours and was hoping you had heard of the project. maybe she would like to do a guest blog for them?? he said she seemed sweet and smart in real life and might make a good blogger.