Thursday, July 26, 2007


if i have to admit another shaken baby this week (i admitted my 3rd last night!), i really am going to cry my eyes out. i know i really wanted to be at a big tertiary care hospital, but i am seeing the sickest kids i've ever taken care of so i'm a bit shell-shocked.
i'm like so messed up by my new nocturnal schedule. and obviously am also having trouble sleeping for more than 5 hrs during the day. when i finally get regulated am going to check out the trailers! yay wes anderson. and will most def read harry potter. don't tell me what happens yet! i feel it will be a grueling read.

1 comment:

Esmee Grace said...

Shaken babies?? That sounds so incredibly alarming. I mean, I don't have much experience with small children, but I do know that you're supposed to be pretty careful with the really little ones. Who are these people??? How are they still reproducing?? Oh yes, they're the ones too stupid to use condoms properly.