Saturday, July 21, 2007


It's 2:19am, technically Sunday I guess. I just finished the book. OMG. Don't worry, I won't spoil anything for you. I had been hoping to wait until my days off on tuesday and wednesday to read it at a leisurely pace, possibly drinking coffee out on the balcony, but then I spent the entire day today putting my fingers in my ears, darting away people, averting my eyes as I unboxed more of the damn books, and shrieking "No! stop talking! I haven't read it yet! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP TALKING ABOUT THE BOOK!!!" But of course working in a bookstore, pretty much 97% of all conversations were about Harry Potter, and at least four staff members had finished the book before coming into work today.
So I broke down and started reading. It took me about eight hours.
I'll tell you all about the madness of Friday night later (I'll also post pictures once I've got them on disk).
But right now I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

I hope you agree that the book is amazing. Especially that chapter near the end...I think Esmee will know what I am talking about. I am so happy with how she wrote it. JK Rowling is one the smartest people in the world. i mean, jesus. how does she think that stuff up? Incredible. My day yesterday was spent pretty much reading the book. Had to read it in one sitting! Dodie, we know you are working but read it soon!!