Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WTF America?

Seriously, America? I mean, seriously?

From TP:

"Here is a snapshot of the GOP Class of 2010’s extremism:


- 50% deny the existence of manmade climate change
- 86% are opposed to any climate change legislation that increases government revenue


- 39% have already declared their intention to end the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright citizenship
- 32% want to reduce legal immigration


- 91% have sworn to never allow an income tax increase on any individual or business – regardless of deficits or war
- 79% have pledged to permanently repeal the estate tax
- 48% are pushing for a balanced budget amendment"

Love that the jez girls are unabashedly liberal. I mean, I should have guessed it with their strong support for choice and LGBT equality, but it was refreshing to see.

PS. Russ Feingold, we'll miss you. Sniff.

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