Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Best trailer review. Ever.

The Guardian weighs in on the trailer of Little Slut Riding Hood, I mean Catherine Hardwicke's upcoming Red Riding Hood. You must read the full blow-by-blow commentary here. It is hilarious. Snarktacular.

Just a choice selection:

"Oh, for God's sake, really? Really? Little Red Riding Hood, can't you keep it in your pants for a poxy second? Look – people are being murdered and your grandmother has been eaten by a wolf and now Gary Oldman is in her house rooting through all her stuff, and all you can think about is sex? This is crap. This whole film is crap. And, incidentally, where's the wolf? We haven't even seen him yet. That wolf I showed you before wasn't even a real wolf. It was just a painting of a wolf on a door, and not even a particularly good one at that. In fact, is there even going to be a wolf in this film? Or has he been edited out to make room for all the shagging?"

Glad we advised JE to stay clear of this one.

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