Monday, November 29, 2010

Have you read these?

Game of Thrones. I must admit, I had never heard of these books until there was something about the HBO series in EW the other week. How could I have missed them? As a total fantasy/sci fi/historical fiction nerd girl who has been in love with Aragorn since the age of eleven when I first read LOTR, shouldn't I be their target audience?

Will it be any good or will it be a huge disappointment? I'm hoping it will be like The Tudors meets Lloyd Alexander.

From our fave writer over at G (who I am beginning to think is a male version of us): "And who doesn't like Sean Bean! I'll bet you have never met a person who has said to you "You know what? I just don't like Sean Bean." Has never happened to you. Because no one doesn't like Sean Bean. His name could rhyme but doesn't, and he always plays either an angry but noble terrorist or an old-timey dude like he does here and did in LOTR. What's not to love! Throw in Lena Headey from 300 and Sarah Connor Chronicles and you've basically got nerd heaven."

And what about The Hunger Games trilogy, good or Twilight-ish schlock?


Esmee Grace said...

I haven't read any of the Game of Thrones books either. I believe they are nine million pages each and there are a ton of them, although they do have a rather rabid fan following. I'm mostly familiar with the author because of this blog post by Neil Gaiman that made the rounds a while ago. You have to read it, it is kind of awesome. The part you should read starts about halfway down with the letter to Neil and his response to it.

Dodie Grace said...

per wiki they are a mix of the War of the Roses and Ivanhoe. i'm in.

ps. lurve NG!