Monday, November 15, 2010

ok this dude is def from boston

which makes the voyage of the mimi reference suddenly make sense...
on defamer today re: unstoppable
I like that this movie got good reviews. And I like that there's no villain. I mean, there is a villain, it's the runaway train, but there's no human villain. It's just a classic story of two men vs. train. A tale as old as time. Since we first discovered trains two hundred years ago or whenever, man has been in constant battle with them, possessed of an insatiable need to either harness their immense power, or kill them. Of course trains have rebelled, occasionally in murderous fashion, but mostly by making us get to Boston a half hour late so our dad is waiting in the car for a while and has to circle around Back Bay Station like ten times and we feel bad. It's a never-ending war between two titans, man and train. And here, finally, is a movie about that most basic and pure of conflicts. None of this nonsense with celebrated playwright Eric Bogosian terrorizing a train full of people like Katherine Heigl only to be thwarted by Steven Seagal. (Though, the train does blow up in the end of that one, so it does get its due.) None of these stuffy Belgians solving mysteries as the train, unmolested, rumbles West from Istanbul. Nope. This here is just bare bones Man v. Train. Just the way it should, and always will, be.

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

it is truly awful to have to circle around in the back bay station though. you never know when you might be shuttled off into some construction related horribleness.