Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Prepare to bleach your brain...

So La Mere has started talking on the phone to one of her Facebook dudes. Like several times a day. She won't shut up about it.

Oh and she might visit him. She hasn't mentioned that last part but I saw a slip of paper by her computer with notes about trains and where he lives in NY and shit.


Dodie Grace said...

it's like she's in jr high school all over again

Charles Grace said...

Um, maybe its because her whole life she thinks her mental age is between 18 and 21. When we were small children apparently she upped her mental age to somewhere between 20 and 30, but then when we hit our teens she went back to being a teenager herself. No wonder she is such a shitty mother. like great, just what i wanted to learn on facebook. so glad you've never really felt like a responsible adult. no wonder I am such a worrying freak who behaved like an adult even when we were kids.