Saturday, April 5, 2008

the world is really too small

so my dear ch-ch-charles, was reading about MR's dad online on the mistral website and now have a good feeling about this guy. (off the subject, his dad went to suffolk law, which just makes me titter thinking about the line in the departed about suffolk night school, which was so hilarious b/c it is true). i know MR may look slimy but i'm sure he is a sox fan. go for it. plus he knows MP, who, omigod, helped produce an oscar winning movie.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

well, I would go for it except when RMK called him, he said he has pretty much made up his mind. I didn't get there in time. He's not still interviewing people, so I can't really. but who knows what will happen. maybe MP will find me a better job? He did after all work on an oscar winning movie. (I'm telling you, he is like well-respected now).