Saturday, April 5, 2008

tell me stories

am uber bored on call. waiting for blood gases. nothing funny ever happens in my life. though rumor has it that russel crowe is in town filming state of play and ate 1 dozen cupcakes at some georgetown bakery....


Esmee Grace said...

At least you didn't eat a whole sheet-cake like a certain someone you know! Oh, and you have to watch the original British miniseries of State of Play because it is fantastic. Russel Crowe? Really? I am very concerned that they will mess up the movie.

Charles Grace said...

It was originally going to be like Brad Pitt and Ed Norton and then they both dropped out and were replaced with Russell in the reporter role and Ben A in the politician role. Rachel McAdams in the Kelly MacDonald role and Jason Bateman as Dominic Foy. Yeah. While the script is pretty much EXACTLY the mini-series it still smells like disaster to me.

and not really shocked that Russell eat a dozen cupcakes. He has gotten so fat and that's all i can think everytime I see him. sigh.

Dodie Grace said...

i didn't eat the cupcakes. russell did.