Saturday, May 8, 2010

Um holy fucking shit

so i just got around to watching this trailer...can you say craaaaazy? CRAZY. oh and D that's TH at the very end with JGL. Soon you will be converted. Check it!


Dodie Grace said...

OMG OMG just watched it and was totally going to post a link to the trailer .but you beat me to it. sooooo excited. all of our fave actors in one film and it promises to totally fuck with your mind. must see!!!!!

Charles Grace said...

i'm INSANELY excited to see this movie now. I was ....why didn't I work on that??

Esmee Grace said...

I kind of want to go into this movie having NO IDEA what it's about. Because I've been dying to see it ever since I saw the teaser. Of course I'd pretty much see it no matter what, I mean, Chris Nolan combined with that cast? Holy hell I'm excited.