Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best movie review. ever.

From the folks at Gawker: "Ramona and Beezus, 7/23
What It Is: A seriously wonderful and beloved (I might currently have a cat named Ramona...) book series by Beverly Cleary gets polished, hipped-up, and ruined by Josh Duhamel, John Corbett, and the Selena Gomez monster. Ramona has CGI fantasies and is just an obnoxious klutz, rather than a normal, charming kid. Thanks a lot guys! Now the Ramona books will be emblazoned with "Now a Major Motion Picture" and Selena Gomez's face on the cover for the foreseeable future.
Should You See It: NO! Never! If you are near the movie theater and see children going into this movie, stop them. Run them over if you have to! Children are better off dead than seeing this horrible, horrible ruiner movie."

for the rest of their summer movie reviews.


Esmee Grace said...

Yeah, that movie makes me cringe so bad. They should totally just show the Ramona series on tv again.

Charles Grace said...

all of those reviews are pretty amazing