Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Remember how I used to do all the voices for you Es?

http://jezebel.com/5536198/daria-a-love-letter-from-a-former-teen-nerd Even though we never had MTV and I think I mainly watched it at CS's house, i loved this show! I distinctly remember us wandering around video signals while I spoke to you in the different voices, which for some reason I loved to do. hee!

1 comment:

Esmee Grace said...

Ah yes. I only ever saw a few episodes here and there at friends houses, although Chris and I used to pretend to be Daria during gym class when we were the only two girls playing football. We'd let the ball fly past us and then stick out a hand afterwards, like she did in the credits. And yes, I remember you doing the voices.