Saturday, August 1, 2009

Greetings from The Pit of Despair

So yesterday (thursday) La Mere like freaked out about her boss and shit and didn't go to work on Friday (today) which totally sucked. She didn't get dressed all day just played solitaire and then made me go out and get her pizza.


Dodie Grace said...

at least you got to eat pizza instead of rotten vegetables mixed together with non-fat sour cream or whatever she is eating these days....

Charles Grace said...

I still don't really understand what the big deal was. She babbled on and on about it and then talked about how awesome she thinks facebook is and how she is reconnecting with people. I think your theory, Esmee, that she is searching for G is probably correct.

Dodie Grace said...

at first i thought you were referring to the big G above and then i realized....yeah, esmee is totes right