Friday, August 7, 2009

Attempt to escape my packrat inheritance

I'm trying to de-clutter my apartment and was trying to figure out what I should keep and what I should shred among all of my old papers. When I asked la mere once upon a time she told me to keep everything. Though really, Les parents have never thrown anything out even if it was broken, useless and filthy so I don't think I should turn to them for advice. Suze Orman (I know, I know, I'm desperate) says to keep all tax records, utility bills for 1 year and credit card bills for 1 year, or 3 years if you itemize your taxes (I don't). I have all of my credit card bills dating back to the 90s and I'm guessing the IRS could care less that I spent 19.99 on tank tops at the Express over a decade ago. Have you gotten sound financial advice from a real grown-up? I feel nervous about shredding things.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

well done Dodie. I've yet to escape from our pack-rat (almost wrote "rat-pack" which actually would be awesome) inheritance. Seriously. Closet full of crap I don't need. Dresser full of clothing I NEVER EVER wear and have not worn in years. Will I get rid of it? probably not because YOU JUST NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MIGHT NEED, according to la mere. Lets all keep receipts from starbucks from like 6 years ago. The government might call and ask to know how much you spent on caramel macchiatos in 2002. Oh wait, NO THEY WON'T.