Went to go see Bat For Lashes last night. Great show (Thanks Es for filling me in on the difference between door times and set times so I didn't show up embarrassingly early. Got there 5 min before the opening act,
Other Lives went on). I think she's kinda like a combination of Patrick Wolf (she even shares his affinity for wearing feathers) and Azure Ray.
Here she is singing Daniel. (And yes, her set had the same creepy angel dolls). Esmee, I think you and A would really like her.
After the show, I took the metro home. I was just sitting there minding my own business when this gaggle of 13 year old girls got on. For some reason, they thought it would be really funny to pretend I was Miley Cyrus so they all started screaming, "Oh my God it's Miley Cyrus", asking for my autograph, and snapping my picture with their phones. Then some really creepy man thought I actually
was Miley Cyrus. Le sigh. Now I see what I am missing by going to bed early most nights.