Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where's Mulder?

It has been a while since I had a true where's Mulder moment but I think this one counts. So I was sitting at a traffic light when I looked over and there was this middle aged woman in mom jeans and with a pierced chin holding onto what appeared to a long piece of patterned cloth tied around a cat's neck like a scarf. She then pulled this 8 inch kitchen knife out of nowhere and started sawing away at one of the ends of the piece of cloth. The knife appeared to be quite dull and it took her a moment to cut a small piece off. She then put the smidgeon of cloth in her jacket pocket and shooed the cat away before running off down the street knife in hand.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

um, YES I think that counts!!! that is insanely creepo dude!!! wtf.