Friday, March 27, 2009


We went to the Landmark theater and Charles thought we saw BJ Novak. In her defense she was driving and the guy did (kinda) look like him. It was not BJ Novak however, which I could prove half an hour later when the same guy sat in our theater.
We went to this crazy/cool little hamburger joint called The Apple Pan complete with a Soup-Nazi-type server ("I have his French Fries ready here and that idiot is outside on his cell phone!"). I looked over to the left and see one of the Jonas Brothers. A few seconds later Charles turned to me and goes "Hey look at that guy over there who totally wants to be a Jonas Brother."
And then the fry-cooks and a teenage girl lined up to take pictures with him.
Why do I never see cool celebrities?

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

hahahaha can't believe you saw a jo-bro!!!