Friday, March 6, 2009


Trailers for Star Trek and Wolverine. How is it that facial hair turns Hugh Jackman into a completely different person? I will never cease to be amazed by this phenomenon. And yes Charles, Chris Pine is very, very pretty.

So. Watchmen.
First of all, the movie is nearly three hours long, which comes from the faithful adaptation that they managed. But it is long. And incredibly, incredibly violent. But of course the comic is violent, and its not like you don't see the violence coming, so plenty of time to cover your eyes. That being said, it was totally awesome, and really cool to see it with all the die-hard comic geeks. If you do see it, chances are near the end there will be at least one angry purist dude who hasn't read any of the reviews or articles beforehand and will shout out "Where the hell's the giant squid?" The effects were awesome and it was cast pretty much perfectly. And of course, the whole damn thing is so freaking dark and bleak, it makes todays problems seem a little better, and faced with the alternate reality of 5 terms of Nixon, thank god for Obama.


Charles Grace said...

I'm going tonight at 8:30pm! hooray! JDM! I'm so glad you think its good! EXCITED.

Esmee Grace said...

Yes Dodie. I was covering MY face, so there's an indicator right there. And I read the damn thing so at least I knew what was going to happen when!

Charles Grace said...

guys this IS Zach S you know...

Charles Grace said...

Ok, not as bad as sin city, but some parts are pretty gross. BUT there is such awesomeness at the beginning as to make up for things.

Charles Grace said...

PS Dodie - it involves The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel. Also, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Leonard Cohen and other. Its a kick ass soundtrack!