The Green Album: Backdoor at the Disco by The Wombats
The Pink Album: Our Life Is Not A Movie Or Maybe by Okkervil River
The Purple Album: Overture by Patrick Wolf
Love all my lovely new music, but especially those. I think I listened to Overture about 20 times today. I would just repeat it over and over and over!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009

We went to the Landmark theater and Charles thought we saw BJ Novak. In her defense she was driving and the guy did (kinda) look like him. It was not BJ Novak however, which I could prove half an hour later when the same guy sat in our theater.
We went to this crazy/cool little hamburger joint called The Apple Pan complete with a Soup-Nazi-type server ("I have his French Fries ready here and that idiot is outside on his cell phone!"). I looked over to the left and see one of the Jonas Brothers. A few seconds later Charles turned to me and goes "Hey look at that guy over there who totally wants to be a Jonas Brother."
And then the fry-cooks and a teenage girl lined up to take pictures with him.
Why do I never see cool celebrities?
Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Dodie, these posters are all over the place in LA, and every single time we're driving Charles and I have to crane our necks and go "holy shit there's another one!". As of yet we haven't seen any as giant billboards, but we have our fingers crossed. Have you seen any in DC or are they too prude for such scandalous marketing tactics?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stoners don't know what they're missing...

Dodie, so Charles and I watched Twilight and it is kind of the best worst movie ever. I was in hysterics the whole time. Oh my god, my ribs still hurt. Its so ridiculous because they take themselves so seriously and it has pretty much the worst dialogue ever!
Robert Pattinson is so going to become a drug addict any day now as he clearly had no idea what he was getting himself into. Why are so many girls obsessed with this?? Why???
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Where's Mulder?
It has been a while since I had a true where's Mulder moment but I think this one counts. So I was sitting at a traffic light when I looked over and there was this middle aged woman in mom jeans and with a pierced chin holding onto what appeared to a long piece of patterned cloth tied around a cat's neck like a scarf. She then pulled this 8 inch kitchen knife out of nowhere and started sawing away at one of the ends of the piece of cloth. The knife appeared to be quite dull and it took her a moment to cut a small piece off. She then put the smidgeon of cloth in her jacket pocket and shooed the cat away before running off down the street knife in hand.

So I was out with Adam on St Patrick's day and our female bartender looks over at me and goes "Oh my god, I love your necklace, that's so cool, it's the one Jennifer Aniston was wearing in He's Just Not That Into You, right?"
So I think I might need a new necklace even though I've been wearing the damn thing for ages.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Republicans eat their young!
After watching the Democrats fumble for eight years, this is all kinds of awesome.
You know you're evil when even your fellow Republicans hate you.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
An earring of sperm

Russell Brand is remarkably disturbing and yet very funny. It is oddly apropos that it is Jack Kerouac's birthday today.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This is too funny!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
New leg for baby elephant

From the BBC. "An elephant in Thailand has been fitted with a new false leg, after outgrowing her original prosthetic."
Audible gasp
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I got a Jetta!
Hooray! I got a Jetta which is La Mere approved! In fact she even had to "convince" me to get the Jetta over the new Yaris. I love my new little car. Finally I have cool car. YAY a functioning vehicle which doesn't feel like it might have the bottom drop out everytime i drive it!
Friday, March 6, 2009

Trailers for Star Trek and Wolverine. How is it that facial hair turns Hugh Jackman into a completely different person? I will never cease to be amazed by this phenomenon. And yes Charles, Chris Pine is very, very pretty.
So. Watchmen.
First of all, the movie is nearly three hours long, which comes from the faithful adaptation that they managed. But it is long. And incredibly, incredibly violent. But of course the comic is violent, and its not like you don't see the violence coming, so plenty of time to cover your eyes. That being said, it was totally awesome, and really cool to see it with all the die-hard comic geeks. If you do see it, chances are near the end there will be at least one angry purist dude who hasn't read any of the reviews or articles beforehand and will shout out "Where the hell's the giant squid?" The effects were awesome and it was cast pretty much perfectly. And of course, the whole damn thing is so freaking dark and bleak, it makes todays problems seem a little better, and faced with the alternate reality of 5 terms of Nixon, thank god for Obama.
I Present To You...

The Watchmen Drinking Game:
Take a sip for each Dr Manhattan rear nudity shot
Take a large gulp for each Dr Manhattan full frontal nudity shot
Take a sip each time Dr Manhattan is closely framed from the waist up and the camera dips slightly nervously
Finish your drink for the shot of multiple Dr Manhattans next to each other each with full frontal nudity
Get another drink when someone asks "How much of that do you suppose was CGI?"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Esmee come stay with me!
Or with Charles. I guess the weather is much nicer there. but I have 2 free bedrooms and you are always welcome. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Whatever happened to PBS?

LaMere: So, do you think you're going to see Watchmen with your friends?
Moi: Um, uh, maybe? Somebody mentioned a midnight thing, but uh, I'm not sure yet.
LM: You know if I were young that's what I would do.
Moi: Huh?
LM: You know and if I had friends to go with and I wasn't working both days.
Moi: Right. Well, yeah, I think we'll try and do that.
LM: I really think you should.
Moi: Riiiight....
News on a Newton filmmaker
From the Boston Globe:
"The trailer for Quentin Tarantino's new WWII pic "Inglourious Basterds" has hit the 'Net and, predictably, it looks like a bloodbath. Interestingly, the first face you see in the clip belongs to Eli Roth, the Newton filmmaker who plays one of several Jewish-American soldiers who were dispatched to savage the Nazis. And they happily oblige. In one scene, Roth's character clubs a Nazi with a single violent swing of a Louisville Slugger. "If you thought Nazis died in 'The Dirty Dozen,' brother, you ain't seen nothing yet," film critic Harry Knowles writes on Ain' Yesterday, we dropped Roth an e-mail to ask about his proficiency with a bat. "I think Boston fans are going to love [the movie], especially baseball fans," he replied. "In Boston, we use the baseball bat far more off the field than on, most often at traffic confrontations on Route 9." The "Cabin Fever" director said he and castmate B.J. Novak, also a Newton native, had the German crew talking with a Boston accent by the end of the shoot. "It was deeply satisfying to hear German crew members yelling such . . . gems as 'Put in the Steamer'," wrote Roth, a reference to former Sox reliever Bob Stanley. "I tried to teach them 'Bourquie, hit a slapper from the blue line,' but that was a little too advanced." Starring Brad Pitt, "Inglourious Basterds" opens in August."
"The trailer for Quentin Tarantino's new WWII pic "Inglourious Basterds" has hit the 'Net and, predictably, it looks like a bloodbath. Interestingly, the first face you see in the clip belongs to Eli Roth, the Newton filmmaker who plays one of several Jewish-American soldiers who were dispatched to savage the Nazis. And they happily oblige. In one scene, Roth's character clubs a Nazi with a single violent swing of a Louisville Slugger. "If you thought Nazis died in 'The Dirty Dozen,' brother, you ain't seen nothing yet," film critic Harry Knowles writes on Ain' Yesterday, we dropped Roth an e-mail to ask about his proficiency with a bat. "I think Boston fans are going to love [the movie], especially baseball fans," he replied. "In Boston, we use the baseball bat far more off the field than on, most often at traffic confrontations on Route 9." The "Cabin Fever" director said he and castmate B.J. Novak, also a Newton native, had the German crew talking with a Boston accent by the end of the shoot. "It was deeply satisfying to hear German crew members yelling such . . . gems as 'Put in the Steamer'," wrote Roth, a reference to former Sox reliever Bob Stanley. "I tried to teach them 'Bourquie, hit a slapper from the blue line,' but that was a little too advanced." Starring Brad Pitt, "Inglourious Basterds" opens in August."
Its not just men in 3 piece suits...
....its Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in three piece suits with guns, as my friend N put it. Shriek in excitement over the trailer pls!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
am watching

devil wears prada and now I kinda really want bangs. also, i sort of want to just generally look like she does in this movie but i would probably get strange looks at the office if i started dressing up all the time.
in any case, lets put this to a vote, next time I get my hair done (am trying to hold out until April or May perhaps), should I get bangs? Can I pull it off? Should I perhaps cut my own bangs? thoughts?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Esmee, the decider
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