Friday, January 23, 2009

Two news items of note from our beloved Empire!

First: Esmee I believe I told you to read this script which I so kindly left in a box for you in my bedroom. Seriously. Its good. The one I said was good. and now look who is attached?? My favorite actress! And Colin F who is still trying to redeem all his shitty career moves! huzzah!

Second: I am going to assume if this movie actually gets made it will be all kinds of awesome because it is being directed by Tarsm (and remember how cool THE FALL looked? uh yeah) and it will star Steven! (although it appears that Tarsm thinks henry the 8th had a brother who you know lived....) but anyways Steven has a job! good for him! Happily it doesn't have a start date so I can still hire him away for our project. hahaha. loves it!


Esmee Grace said...

I'll track down that script and read it.
Oh, and didn't it take Tarsem like, I dunno, 8 years to make The Fall? I'm pretty sure Steven will be available for other stuff.

Charles Grace said...

Steven had better be available for us to how can I manipulate my boss into doing so?

Dodie Grace said...

i still have to see the fall....almost took F to it, but after her described the darjeeling limited as the worst movie ever made....