Saturday, January 24, 2009

random question

Is what we always called "duck sauce" what other normal people call "plum sauce"?? cause I don't think we have duck sauce out here and I had some alleged plum sauce that seemed suspiciously like duck sauce...


Esmee Grace said...

Wikipedia says:
Duck sauce is a translucent sweet and sour orange condiment used in some Chinese-American restaurants. It may be used as a dip for deep-fried dishes such as duck, chicken, fish, spring rolls, egg rolls, or with rice or noodles.[1] It may be made of apricots, plums, or peaches added to sugar, vinegar, ginger and chilis. It is rarely, if ever, used in traditional Chinese cooking. Due to fruit content it may be called "plum sauce"

Dodie Grace said...

whoa, totally had no idea they were the same. i always thought plum sauce was, um, purple