Thursday, May 29, 2008

(This is not sarcasm)

I am genuinely excited about this, in a nerdy workaholic kinda way. The new is up and running! This may not seem that cool, but we are finally free of Amazon, and seeing as our former sad little site was just about one step above an old Dos program, the new one is pretty freaking cool for us. Lets hope that it actually helps save my company as our fearless leader George Jones keeps insisting it will.

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

yay. i like the new site. very hip. good graphics. i'll never use amazon again. your site was featuring chuck palaui-whatever when i was there. pretty sure he lives on nantucket b/c drewlander gets advanced copies of his books. maybe he could stop by the store and sign some copies for you guys???