Friday, May 2, 2008

Brideshead Revised

is what they should call it. Uchgh. They played this awful thriller music over it. horrifying. and played like its some sort of thriller where Lady Marchmain controls everything and is like evilly controlling everyone. So confusing. The look is perfect of course and we'll see how the acting. Ben W is still a little dubious in my opinion but you never know. Still. Not the trailer to get the fans of the book or the mini-series in the theater. At least i have my beloved DVD set to rely on (thanks esmee!).


Esmee Grace said...

I am now officially Very Concerned about the new Brideshead. If they fuck this up, I will be very, very upset!

Charles Grace said...

I told you I couldn't get past page 3 of the script (that moment where she turns around and says "Oh Charles"). It was just too painful somehow. I kept hoping that I just didn't read far enough, that its secretly the best thing ever but I dunno...

Dodie Grace said...

so ominous with that music. they make lady marchmain a much bigger character. perhaps because they couldn't blame everything on catholicism??? not sure if i want to see it. plus why isn't sebastian a blonde??????

Charles Grace said...

I know its all very disturbing. poor marketing. I think that they are putting Emma T to the front because they don't know who else they can use to market it but still its weird and thriller-y. Confused by the lack of blonde hair on Sebastian as well. Very confused.

Esmee Grace said...

And the miniseries was pretty much perfect in any way! There's no way to improve on that, so the only way to go really, is unfortunately downhill. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. And if I don't see evidence of Sebastien toting around a teddy bear, I'm afraid they've lost me. btw, where's Cordelia?

Charles Grace said...

I was wondering that too! I kept thinking, I know Cordelia is in it, but where is she? and the lack of teddy bear is disappointing. If they have spent time on steamy love scenes and not on things like sebastian buying his teddy bear a brush to spank him, i shall wilt with disappointment.