Sunday, May 11, 2008

The horrors that await...

Dodie, if you don't think up something for the famille to do on Saturday, I'm afraid la mere will drag us to go see Narnia. She just came into my room and put that out there.

Oh, and apparently Linda and Kelly (the aunt and the cousin) will be coming to town late this week. They will be in the city, and Dad's going to see Linda on Wednesday or Thursday, but he will be around for the weekend. Oh, and la mere has forbidden me from seeing either of them because "she doesn't think she could take that in her current mental state". When dad was telling me about this she stood in the corner with her arms crossed, scowling. Why is she such an infant???


Charles Grace said...

She is in a complete mood. She apparently banned all the relatives but Don from the house because they were all horrible to her and because no one stood up for her. Also, she refused to call me back today because she assumed I would call again because it was mother's day. Since she ALWAYS calls me back almost immediately, how could I possibly know that I was supposed to keep calling her until she picked up? Severe lack of logic going on. horrifying.

Dodie Grace said...

if it is nice out i was thinking we could go to a spinner's game