...I had a chance to catch up on some sleep. Yes girls, I had to go see the newest installment of Narnia avec la mere, and since I am a good daughter, I feigned interest. This one however had the one redeeming factor of Ben Barnes, who could only be prettier if he slapped on some guyliner and took off his shirt. Seriously, the guy should not be prettier than the girl. And he should also not use a bizarre kinda-spanish, completely bogus accent. Also, she insisted we sit in the front row of the second section even though it was one of those theaters with only one row in the first section and we had the entire theater to ourselves. My neck is still protesting spending two hours craning back to stare up at talking badgers. I'd say that my inheritance one day would make it all worth it, but I'm pretty sure that a broken sewing machine and a collection of 'healing crystals' won't quite cover it.
um, i totally already claimed the healing crystals...
I'm sorry but this was the funniest post ever. esp the "staring up at talking badgers"
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