Saturday, May 31, 2008
On Jumbo Lit...
I enjoyed this essay in NYT about reading long novels instead of dealing with life. I fear we all suffer from this condition...a suitable boy anyone? never really considered anna karenina or all the king's men to be all that long, though.
Friday, May 30, 2008
"If you mean time-traveling bunnies, then yes."
Thursday, May 29, 2008
(This is not sarcasm)
I am genuinely excited about this, in a nerdy workaholic kinda way. The new is up and running! This may not seem that cool, but we are finally free of Amazon, and seeing as our former sad little site was just about one step above an old Dos program, the new one is pretty freaking cool for us. Lets hope that it actually helps save my company as our fearless leader George Jones keeps insisting it will.
On the plus side...

...I had a chance to catch up on some sleep. Yes girls, I had to go see the newest installment of Narnia avec la mere, and since I am a good daughter, I feigned interest. This one however had the one redeeming factor of Ben Barnes, who could only be prettier if he slapped on some guyliner and took off his shirt. Seriously, the guy should not be prettier than the girl. And he should also not use a bizarre kinda-spanish, completely bogus accent. Also, she insisted we sit in the front row of the second section even though it was one of those theaters with only one row in the first section and we had the entire theater to ourselves. My neck is still protesting spending two hours craning back to stare up at talking badgers. I'd say that my inheritance one day would make it all worth it, but I'm pretty sure that a broken sewing machine and a collection of 'healing crystals' won't quite cover it.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Am a sucker for a Baz movie...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Younger than John McCain song
You have to listen to this song. Love the line that he is as old as one and a half obamas
Friday, May 16, 2008
Another totally awesome weather website
you guys have to check it out. It's called Do I Need a Jacket? Awesome.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The horrors that await...
Dodie, if you don't think up something for the famille to do on Saturday, I'm afraid la mere will drag us to go see Narnia. She just came into my room and put that out there.
Oh, and apparently Linda and Kelly (the aunt and the cousin) will be coming to town late this week. They will be in the city, and Dad's going to see Linda on Wednesday or Thursday, but he will be around for the weekend. Oh, and la mere has forbidden me from seeing either of them because "she doesn't think she could take that in her current mental state". When dad was telling me about this she stood in the corner with her arms crossed, scowling. Why is she such an infant???
Oh, and apparently Linda and Kelly (the aunt and the cousin) will be coming to town late this week. They will be in the city, and Dad's going to see Linda on Wednesday or Thursday, but he will be around for the weekend. Oh, and la mere has forbidden me from seeing either of them because "she doesn't think she could take that in her current mental state". When dad was telling me about this she stood in the corner with her arms crossed, scowling. Why is she such an infant???
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Just a reminder...
Mother's Day is on Sunday. Please call her. I got her I'm Not There, and will be taking her out on Tuesday. I do not care if you guys buy her things, but if you don't at least call her, I will be hearing about it all week. Merci beaucoup.
Monday, May 5, 2008
finally the comeback he deserves
Friday, May 2, 2008
Brideshead Revised

is what they should call it. Uchgh. They played this awful thriller music over it. horrifying. and played like its some sort of thriller where Lady Marchmain controls everything and is like evilly controlling everyone. So confusing. The look is perfect of course and we'll see how the acting. Ben W is still a little dubious in my opinion but you never know. Still. Not the trailer to get the fans of the book or the mini-series in the theater. At least i have my beloved DVD set to rely on (thanks esmee!).
brideshead trailer is up at last. not sure I am able to take watching it. ok. guess will go watch it right now. here is the link:
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