Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Movies I just don't understand.

Put the Sorcerer's Apprentice at the top of the list....wait for the hat. just wait for it.


Esmee Grace said...

Okay, a couple of things:
1.) Is that Jay Baruchel? And has he not aged since Undeclared?
2.) I have to give them props for using a Depeche Mode song in the trailer. I've always felt that any action trailers that don't use Muse in them should probably use Depeche Mode.
3.) I'm not sure what I'm more alarmed by, the hat or the hair.
4.) Is there a plot? Cause it doesn't look like there's a plot.

Charles Grace said...

1). the hat is amazing
2). i thought this was Spook's aprentice? but that took place in olden times? or maybe i only read the beginning and the beginning took place in olden times? confused.
3). the hat and the hair ARE the reason to see the movie
4). Jay does not age. Same with John Francis Daly
5). Plot? now you want your NC movies to have plot? are you CRAZY?