Sunday, December 6, 2009

In which LG explains her new tour...

I think we truly must be related. I mean she appears to combine Esmee's interest in performance art with my obsession with evolution and the apocalypse.

"It's part pop show, part performance art, part fashion installation. It came about because as an artist, as a writer, as a woman, I feel I've evolved so much.

My evolution is from the beginning of time, so I start as a cell [she shows me a costume like a geodesic dome], and then I become a vertebrate, and then I become a full animal, and there's the birth of the economy, and trade and war, and then it's the Apocalypse. Because we as a society are taught politically and religiously that the Apocalypse is coming, it's on its way. But what I'm saying with my show is, ‘We're there right now: this is the Apocalypse.' The fact that we're surrounded by cement and we've already killed everything means the Apocalypse has happened.

So the idea for me is to give a sense of repose and solace to my fans, that we're here, we did it already, and now it's about accepting where we are and looking more joyfully into the future. And then the Apocalypse is over and the stage becomes very minimal and all that's left is me with a piano, in the middle of the destruction."

1 comment:

Esmee Grace said...

That actually sounds kind of awesome. I love how when she performed here last week she spent the day wandering around Boston in December in a bra. She's clearly not entirely human.