Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This is a Mac Post!

My baby Macbook is all grown up and getting tattoos of badass Disney bitches. Deb got this for me because "You are obsessed with your Macbook and like weird shit."

In other news, La Mere purchased a 17" Macbook Pro, which is completely unnecessary for playing Happy Aquarium on Facebook, but she wanted the big screen and I was not going to argue the point. After a week of her being distracted and nervous about switching over to a Mac, a few short hours after I helped her set it up she is now declaring that "It's set up in a way that I would have designed if I were making a computer!" And I will say this: If she is happy, I am happy. We also tracked down a girl MacGenius at the store who was very nice and didn't try to talk mom into anything, or out of anything. Which was awesome.
We also got a printer w/the computer which is wireless and able to print photos.
Also La Mere was asking more questions about Ipods when I showed her how Itunes worked on her computer, so maybe we should get her one for Christmas? She was hesitant before in her usual manner of "well I don't need that kind of thing", but now that she's discovered just how FUCKING EASY Macs are to use, I think she might want one. I'll test out the waters and get back to you guys.
Which reminds me that at some point we'll all have to talk about presents. Talk to you ladies soon.


Charles Grace said...

yeah, she is bananas. ipod could be a good idea. it'd be like cell phones. and texting. and every other cool thing in the world.

Love your computer's tattoo. mine just has that shamrock on it. lets talk presents soon!

Dodie Grace said...

i want a badass disney princess on my mac!