Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some tips on how to roast a chicken

So le pere wants to roast you a chicken for Thanksgiving Esmee? Maybe he should watch this video on how to cook a chicken with pears. Or maybe he should check out cooking for engineers. (Note the laboratory gloves worn when deboning the chicken).


Charles Grace said...

um, CW cooking a chicken is maybe the best thing ever. also, how is that his kitchen? so random at the end with the cat!

Esmee Grace said...

Oh wow, that's hysterical. I especially love that it kind of takes a second of "hey, this random dude kinda looks like Christopher Walken. And he kinda sounds like him too. Holy crap, it IS Christopher Walken!!
Randomest video ever. Of course if I showed it to le pere he'd be like "is this some kind of chef?"