Saturday, November 21, 2009

So you say you want to be in a Rock Band...

Okay, so this probably won't amount to anything in the long run, but I gotta say, being in a rock band at the moment is really fucking fun. We hang out in an apartment in Allston, we get cheap Asian food at the Super 88, we mess with Amps and chords and joke about ripping off Talking Heads' songs, we collect cheap VHS's and add our own commentary after a few beers. Of course our favorite activity is coming up with band names, like The Broken Tines (inspired by Eric's crappy plastic fork), or The Cube Feedback (due to the fact that our amp called The Cube completely sucks).
Sorry, but today was a really good day.
I may be kinda broke, but I'm really happy.


Charles Grace said...

yay!!! I'm so glad to hear it! I'm pretty happy too these days. I get to have people fill out deal memos and shit. I'm happy if you are happy!!

Dodie Grace said...

i want to hear a recording!