Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Plum Island: Creepy Building Edition

So right before crossing the bridge to Plum Island there is this weird building with the words NO EVACUATION POSSIBLE painted on one side. My natural creepy curiosity was piqued and so on the way home we stopped so I could take some photos. The place was awesomely derelict and I got the shot of the inside by leaning over the rotting steps and sticking my camera in the hole in the wall next to the front door and just waving my camera around taking a few random shots unable to actually see what was inside. I'm not sure if you can tell from this size of the photo, but there appears to be a washing machine in the back, several gas canisters around the mismatched chairs in the middle, and a milk crate full of magazines.


Dodie Grace said...

i like that the hole appears to be in the shape of a rooster

Charles Grace said...

um, what the hell is this place? how do you find such places?

Dodie Grace said...

she's scouting locales for Fringe. durr. where's pacey??