Friday, October 2, 2009


It's official. La Mere is going to New York Wed Oct 14th and coming back on Friday the 16th.
She is also wicked excited about this and WILL NOT STOP TALKING!!
She keeps on saying ominous things like "she will see if it's possible to feel like that again."
And when she gets back she's gonna want to tell me all about it.
May God have mercy on my soul and provide me with the strength and the alcohol to get through this.
And I was looking forward to October so much!! This isn't fair. She can do whatever she wants, I don't care, but I don't want to HEAR about it, you know? I'm her daughter, I do not need to know about her sketchy hook-ups.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

I know. No one wants to hear about their mother's dating life. Super inappropriate. She'll probably want your help posting about it on the facebook. Its RIDICULOUS. I can't even deal with it, and I know its probs ten times worse for you cause you are there and have no choice but to hear all about it. EW.