Saturday, October 31, 2009

Speaking of awesome fake trailers...

Here's that 'trailer' for Avatar that came out a few days early and tricked everyone.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Its a Disaster!!

this is the fake 2012 trailer i told you about! so funny :)

this is for you esmee!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Communing with Nature. Again.

Dodie and I went to Fruitlands today and wandered around the woods. We managed not to get entirely lost which is good because you know that in a wilderness survival movie the girl in the Joy Division t-shirt and striped fingerless gloves would be the very first to die. We did however encounter several strange pieces of art. My favorite part of the trip was when we saw seven hipsters marching in line across the field to go gaze adoringly up at one of the tree-people.

If you were coming in the fall...

Emily Dickinson's parlor ceiling collapsed while the house was open to museum visitors. According to the NY Times "No one was in the parlor at the time, and no one in the house was hurt, though some of the Dickinson family furniture and belongings on display there, including a sofa and a teapot, may have been harmed." Dear me you never know where literary dangers may lurk.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are we akin?

It felt like a premonition when the docent commented that none of the girls in the painting ever got married.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apparently, I'm not the only one

who felt Lou Reed should sing Queen Bitch. Check it out Es.

Le pere ate a puffin and other true stories of Iceland

Just a preview of what you will be regaled with once you are back home Charles!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm confused

But I like it. Why all the patches on the bottom of your coat MD? Are you planning to fill the entire coat with odd nation related badges and have only made it so far?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Plum Island

We went to Plum Island today to wander the woods/marshes/sand dunes/beach. Afterwards to counteract all the exercise we got we found a Pub and ate fish, french fries and a burger for Dodie. Oh, and fudge. At this point I'm just happy it's not still snowing. So fucking weird.

Plum Island: Creepy Building Edition

So right before crossing the bridge to Plum Island there is this weird building with the words NO EVACUATION POSSIBLE painted on one side. My natural creepy curiosity was piqued and so on the way home we stopped so I could take some photos. The place was awesomely derelict and I got the shot of the inside by leaning over the rotting steps and sticking my camera in the hole in the wall next to the front door and just waving my camera around taking a few random shots unable to actually see what was inside. I'm not sure if you can tell from this size of the photo, but there appears to be a washing machine in the back, several gas canisters around the mismatched chairs in the middle, and a milk crate full of magazines.

Monday, October 19, 2009

When I said it feels like I am coming home for Christmas early....

I did not realize Mother Nature was going to take it so literally. We haven't even finished raking!
I do love watching snow football, though. Go Pats! The Titans should be embarrassed by that performance.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How freaking cool is this??

An abandoned school. Shakespeare’s fallen hero. Hitchcock’s shadow of suspense. Award-winning British theater company Punchdrunk makes its U.S. debut with Sleep No More, an immersive production inspired by Shakespeare’s Macbeth, told through the lens of a Hitchcock thriller.

The Old Lincoln School in Brookline, Massachusetts, will be exquisitely transformed into an installation of cinematic scenes that evoke the world of Macbeth. You, the audience, have the freedom to roam the environment and experience a sensory journey as you choose what to watch and where to go. Rediscover the childlike excitement of exploring the unknown in this unique theatrical adventure.

Going to see this on Sunday night. Very excited, so weird and cool!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This might be the best quote OF ALL TIME

“When a man transforms into a wolf,” Taylor says, “all of his clothes get shredded. When he comes back to human form, he’s wearing ripped jeans, and that’s about it. It’s the way it was written. The great thing about this series is we stay true to the books.”

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I've started early this year

Oh holiday movies how i love you so. Three of my favorites!

I'll be home for Christmas

Cue the music. It's official. I'll be home for Christmas this year! And for Es's b-day! I'm flying in late on the 23rd and will be home through the 27th. Yay! Yay! Yay! We must bake lots of cookies and drink hot toddies or something fun.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Music Junkie

Okay, so Grizzly Bear was awesome (including the brand new song they played which is gonna be on the New Moon soundtrack which I hate to admit, but I'm really really excited about, I mean, new Thom Yorke, Death Cab for Cutie, St Vincent, Bon Iver, Grizzly Bear, what's not to love?)(except sparkly vampires). The opening band Beach House was good too.

White Rabbits were also good, which was expected since they are one of my new favorite bands. What was not expected was Black Joe Lewis and The Honeybears who were FUCKING AWESOME!!! Seriously, not my usual type of music, but they were possibly the best band I saw all week. Really, really good, and all the better for being unexpected. The whole crowd was immediately won over and of course you can't ask for more than a free concert with a band you've never heard of that is really really good.
Sigh. A good couple of days.

Can't wait to see you guys.

White Rabbits

Black Joe Lewis

Grizzly Bear

Monday, October 5, 2009

In other news...

I'm gonna be partying with Amanda Palmer, Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops for this New Years Eve!!
How fucking cool is that???
Plus Amanda is throwing a pre-party w/champagne beforehand for those of us who already bought tickets to the cancelled show in November!!
I'm so excited!!

Ra Ra Riot

Two things:

1.) Photography is a little harder when you have to lift your camera above your head so you don't just get the backs of the heads of the people in front of you. I now truly appreciate viewfinders.

2.) This was at The Paradise, where I will be bringing you lovely ladies in a few short weeks. If you guys don't want to be down in the scrum of people in front of the stage, in that last photo you can see the balcony part up on the left where we can also stand. Up to you guys.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

is this your sausage link?

Actual email from one of my co-workers with the actual photos he took of the crime scene. Hilarious and disgusting all at the same time.

"Is this your sausage link? (see attached photo)

If so, I found it in the Housestaff Lounge sink just a few minutes ago. Along with this item, I found:

3 empty soda bottles
2 used kleenex
2 half-sipped coffee cups
1 plate of congealed scrambled egg (at least that's what I think it was...)

...all over the HSL when I came in today. If you are missing any of these items, please contact me at x8300 or p4141 and I will return the item to you forthwith."

On the ground

I don't know why Andy Samberg always makes me laugh. You have to watch this clip from SNL. The slo-mo crazy faces. The surprise appearance of a hobbit. The hipster outfits. Loves it.

Friday, October 2, 2009


It's official. La Mere is going to New York Wed Oct 14th and coming back on Friday the 16th.
She is also wicked excited about this and WILL NOT STOP TALKING!!
She keeps on saying ominous things like "she will see if it's possible to feel like that again."
And when she gets back she's gonna want to tell me all about it.
May God have mercy on my soul and provide me with the strength and the alcohol to get through this.
And I was looking forward to October so much!! This isn't fair. She can do whatever she wants, I don't care, but I don't want to HEAR about it, you know? I'm her daughter, I do not need to know about her sketchy hook-ups.

"You whores!"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Do, Dump or Marry
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMichael Moore

How can anyone not love Stephen Colbert? This is awesome.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

this is hysterical

"Well, obviously TWILIGHT:NEW MOON is a love triangle between a high school girl, a vampire and a werewolf. This poster spells that out and I feel silly for assuming otherwise."

you gotta read this breakdown of the New Moon posters. It's kinda hilarious.