Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi, I'm Bobby Jindal

Did you guys watch the Republican "response" to Obama's speech last night? You must watch the highlights here! I love a good conservative implosion/self-destruction tv appearance, but this rivaled Palin's Couric interview. Why did he sound like he was telling bedtime stories to a bunch of mentally insufficient 5th graders? (Oh wait, he was speaking to the Republican base...) I couldn't stop laughing. Even the Fox commentators were hard pressed to say anything nice about it. I cannot wait for the primaries to see him debate Palin!

1 comment:

Esmee Grace said...

That just might be the funniest thing I've ever seen! It's like ready-made sketch comedy. Can't wait to see what SNL does with it. There are few things that give me greater joy than watching the Republican Party completely self-destruct!