Thursday, February 12, 2009

Book nerds of the world unite

So I'm reading 'Drood' by Dan Simmons (who, btw, wrote The Terror, which was cool, scary, horrible and totally awesome all at once-think 'The Ruins' on ice), and to my sheer and utter delight, although it's ostensibly about the last five years of Dickens' life, the book is narrated by Wilkie Collins (!!!).
I think I am probably one of five people in the world excited about this.
The book draws on such facts as the train crash Dickens was in five years before his death, and the fact that poor Wilkie Collins was such a Laudanum addict that he became convinced there was a doppelganger (who can't resist a good doppelganger?) of himself that wrote most of The Moonstone, who he dubbed "Ghost Wilkie".
The book is fictional, but seriously, some seriously strange shit went down in their lives.
Yeah. Not much going on in Massachusetts right now.


Charles Grace said...

Damn Drood is already being made into a movie. Although its at Uni so I guess we could get involved? probs not. I wonder if the other one has been optioned yet...

Esmee Grace said...

Well 'Drood' is 771 pages long and has an Unreliable Narrator, so good luck to them adapting it.
I have a bad feeling they're going to fuck it up since Dan Simmons' stuff tends to be pretty complex. As much as I love movies, some stuff is meant to be read, and not seen.

Dodie Grace said...

must get it. have been searching for a good book!