Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another chick flick?

So I just woke up from my jetlagged stupor and I am taking F to go see He's Not that Into You because he has been dying to see it. (He also recently told me that he LOVES Katy Perry's You're Hot and You're Cold song and started singing along (in falsetto, of course) to the radio in the car. Not quite sure when I started dating a teenage girl, but I digress.) Anyways, to get me to agree to see the film, he showed me this, which I have to agree is hilarious and in all likelihood better than the movie. PS it took me a while to recognize Bradley Cooper under that mold on his face.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

OMG hilarious that he showed you that since Esmee and I were talking about that earlier and I said even thought the movie is probably blah, that video was pretty hilarious!!! craaaaazy.