Friday, June 20, 2008

someone else has heard of tasha tudor!

From jezebel:
"When I was nine, I wrote a fan letter to Tasha Tudor. For those of you unfamiliar with the children's illustrator who died yesterday at the age of 92, she was as known for her aggressively anachronistic 19th century lifestyle on a New England farm as she was for her delicate watercolors of children and animals. As a pantaloons-wearing third-grade oddball who'd rigged up a fake root cellar in my back yard, the idea that a grown-up could pursue this kind of eccentricity so boldly was very appealing. Born into an old Boston family (about which she talks a lot in The Private World of Tasha Tudor and The Tasha Tudor Cookbook - what, you don't have them?) Tasha Tudor was in fact a hardworking artist who illustrated more than a hundred books and raised four children as a single mother. That she lived by candlelight, had hundreds of corgis, spun her own flax, raised goats and chickens and wore clothing exclusively from the 1830s was almost incidental - which is what made it so awesome."
the full post

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

somehow I never quite realized just how eccentric she was when we were growing up...